Dropping The Ball - A New Year’s Billionaire Romance - Weston Parker Page 0,47

shifted on my lap when I kissed her, pressing herself as close to me as she could get. Her fingers played with the hair at the nape of my neck, her breasts and body soft where they molded to mine.

Everything in my world seemed so hard sometimes. The work, the bodies, the possible consequences if we fucked up. It’d been years since I’d touched anything soft, and yet that was exactly what she was.

We broke apart eventually, but her hands stayed in my hair, and her lips brushed against mine when they moved. “I want you, Carter. I don’t know what it is about you, but you’re different. The way you make me feel is different.”

My heart hammered hard and fast, like it was trying to escape the cage it was in between my ribs and get to hers. It already belonged to her. Hell, I’d given it to her years ago without even realizing it. Even when I really shouldn’t have.

“Yeah, I know what you mean.” I punctuated the words with kisses. “It feels so right for something so wrong.”

She smiled. “It’s going to keep feeling right long after it’s not wrong anymore. You’re just going to have to get used to kissing me.”

“I think I can manage that,” I whispered, feeling like if I spoke too loudly I would break the intimate bubble we seemed to have descended into.

I ran my fingers along her spine, pushing them into her loose hair and holding the back of her head while looking straight into her eyes. “I want you too. More than I should. Fuck, I shouldn’t want you at all.”

She brought her finger to her lips, pretending to think about it. “Now that I think about it, if it’s more than you should want me, maybe we shouldn’t do this.”

“You don’t really want that,” I said. “You want to get used to kissing me.”

“Maybe. I might need a reminder. Just to be sure.” Still smiling, she brought her mouth to mine and kissed me again. Her soft lips parted, a low moan escaping when I slid my tongue into her mouth.

The few times I’d heard them, the sounds of her pleasure had rocked me to my core, but that had never been more true than it was right now. The desperate need they made me feel for her was more intense than ever.

It took only a few seconds of kissing her and hearing those sounds before I was so hard it was painful. My cock strained against my jeans, my chest rising and falling on ragged breaths.

Rylee affected me like no one else had. I’d known it, but I hadn’t expected the force of the need that slammed into me when she told me how much she wanted me. I didn’t know what would happen after this, but just for tonight, it felt like she was mine. It set off every alarm in my head, but there was no turning back now.

If she was mine, even if just for tonight, I was going to claim her. To show her how good we could be together before it was all over. Maybe it would give me an advantage later if I could make her feel how entirely I was giving myself to her by letting this happen between us.

My fingers curled into her hair, and I groaned and deepened the kiss. She trailed her fingers down on each side of my throat, tilting her head to give me better access.

I kissed her with everything I had, my tongue plunging into her mouth and exploring every part of it as I lost myself in her sweet taste. She stirred up so many unfamiliar feelings in me, but I embraced them all like long-lost friends. In a way, they were. I’d always known they were there when it came to her. I’d just forgotten about them.

My hips thrust up against her as she ground herself down on me. It felt so fucking good that I knew I was at risk of losing it faster than I had even my first time.

Rylee shivered when I rocked against her again, her next moan cut off by a gasp. “You have to stop doing that.”

“Why?” I kept my hips still while I waited for her answer, but it wasn’t easy. I wanted to be inside her so damn badly. The thought that she might not want to anymore… I’d stop, obviously, but I’d hate it.

She chuckled against my lips. “Don’t look at me like that.

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