The Dream - Whitney Dineen Page 0,98

my family know we’ve arrived?”

“Davis,” I hurry to ask before he leaves, “what did you mean when you said today was going to be a big day for me?”

“Things aren’t always what you think they are, Ashley,” he tells me evasively.

“What does that mean?” I ask his retreating back. Apparently, Davis isn’t going to explain further.

I sit down next to Gran and ask, “How are you doing?”

“Pretty good,” she tells me. “I sure do love a wedding.”

I’m about to take out my phone so I can take a couple of pictures to show Buck how beautiful the setup is. But before I do, I spot Chad Adkinson not twenty yards away. I have an overwhelming urge to get up and run, but I can’t leave Davis’s grandmother by herself. What is he doing here? I didn’t know he was friends with Emmie and Zach.

I sit as still as a statue while I watch him lean in toward the person he’s talking to. I can’t tell who it is because they’re behind a tree, but it’s my guess I’m witnessing a romantic interlude. Chad’s mouth keeps ducking behind said tree like he’s kissing someone. I would pay a lot of money for a bucket of eggs right now.

I want to yell out to the woman he’s with to run. I want to warn her that he’s a no-good predator, but I don’t. I just keep watching, waiting to see if they come closer so I can pelt Chad with my shoes.

Chad laughs flirtatiously at something his companion says. If I didn’t know who he was, I might think nice thoughts about him, like he’s quite good looking and charming. But I know who he is, so I know that isn’t the case.

Lexi suddenly sits down next to me and I practically jump a foot into the air. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. Are you okay?”

I’m not sure I am, but I tell her, “I’m good.”

“I’m here to sit with Gran. Emmie asked if you’d mind going up to see her. She’s in the bedroom at the top of the back stairs.”

“Oh, okay,” I say, not knowing why the bride would want to see me before the wedding. I hurry to stand up and realize that I have to walk toward Chad to get into the house. In a moment of strength, I decide I’m not going to let him scare me away. I throw my shoulders back, stick my chin up, and I begin to march like I’m on my way into battle.

By the time I’m halfway to the house, my view shifts so I can see behind the tree where Chad’s companion has been hiding. I’m in no way prepared for the sight that greets me. My jaw drops open and my face crinkles in confusion as Chad leans in and kisses his friend passionately on the mouth. Holy. Crap.

My feet veer off like they have a will of their own and head straight toward my enemy. By the time I arrive, I’m sweating like I’ve run a two-minute mile. I stop five feet from Chad and with my hands on my hips, demand, “What the hell?”

He looks up and says, “Ashley. I was hoping you’d be here.”

“I was hoping you wouldn’t be,” I tell him. “In fact, I was hoping to never see you again.”

“Please,” he says, “I need to explain.”

“I think you’d better,” I tell him. Then I look at his friend as if I’m somehow going to make sense of what’s going on.

Chad says, “Ashley, I’d like you to meet my fiancé, Benny.” Then to Benny, he says, “Honey, this is the girl I told you about.”

Big, tall, strapping, gorgeous Benny steps forward and extends his hand. “I’m pleased to meet you,” he says with a bright smile on his face.

I can’t say as though I share the sentiment, so I turn to Chad and demand, “You’re gay? What in the actual hell, Chad?”

He nervously runs his hands through his hair and answers, “It’s the reason I was so horrible to you in high school.”

“I don’t understand,” I tell him, feeling like the slightest breeze could knock me right over.

“I was just coming to terms with my truth sophomore year when you moved here. I was terrified of my feelings and didn’t want to accept them. I figured that if I acted overtly heterosexual I could keep my friends from finding out.”

“Chad, you were a bully. That’s not the way most people act.”

“I know it,” Copyright 2016 - 2024