The Dream - Whitney Dineen Page 0,99

he says. “I do. But at the time I figured if I could make everyone think I was attracted to you then they’d never suspect I was gay.”

“You practically assaulted me at the prom!” I yell, not caring that Benny is standing right there listening. He should know the kind of man he’s going to marry.

“I was so full of rage. I promise you that I wasn’t going to go through with it. I couldn’t.”

“Well, I didn’t know that,” I spit. “You bit me. You scared me to death.”

Chad takes a step toward me and says, “I’m so sorry. I learned in college what it was like to be bullied. I learned what it was like to have people say horrible things about me. I wanted to find you then and beg your forgiveness, but I was too afraid.”

“Why does my forgiveness even matter to you?” I demand.

“I know I ruined your life.” He takes a deep breath before saying, “Davis was my best friend since we were in preschool. He was always so nice to everyone; I think I fooled myself into thinking that he might be gay too. So, one night over Christmas break, I drank a bunch of beer and decided to tell him that I loved him.”

I did not see that coming. At all.

I’ll bet Davis didn’t either.

“He was really nice to me when he said he was flattered but he wasn’t into guys. I was devastated and embarrassed and the next morning when I woke up, I was horrified by what I’d done. When we went back to school, you were there, and I took it as my opportunity to prove to Davis that I was just kidding about being gay.

“Oh, Chad,” I manage as unbidden compassion flows through my veins. “While I can honestly say I’ve never hated anyone more than I hate you, that had to be a super scary time.”

“It was awful,” he tells me. “But it gets worse. I knew that Davis had a crush on you, and I used to tease him about it all the time.” He confesses, “I think Davis stayed away from you in order to protect you from me.”


He hangs his head while answering. “I totally robbed you of a wonderful high school experience. I know there’s no way I can ever make that up to you, but please, my best friend likes you so much. I’d hate to think I was responsible for ruining things between you a second time.”

Benny interjects, “You might want to offer to let her beat you up, too. You were a real douche, hon.”

His comment catches me so unaware that I start to laugh. Great big unexpected giggles burst out of me.

Chad looks at me nervously and asks, “Would it make you feel better to hit me? Cause I’ll stand still while you give me your best.”

I’m laughing so hard; I need to lean against the tree for support. Benny asks, “You want me to hit him for you?”

I shake my head while I finally get myself under control. “You don’t need to do that, Benny, but I thank you for the offer.”

“You want to hit me yourself?” Chad asks.

“I don’t,” I tell him honestly. Then I say, “I’m not sure I can ever think of you as a friend, Chad, but I do offer you my forgiveness.”

“Really?” His face suddenly turns on like I flipped a switch.

“Yeah, really.”

I realize then that life is too freaking short, too fragile, to walk around holding grudges. I can totally see Davis avoiding me in order to protect me. While I should go and see what Emmie wants, there’s one stop I have to make first.

Chapter Fifty-Eight

Davis is standing in the living room with his dad, uncle, brother, and the groom. They’re fixing their ties, adjusting their boutonnières, and joking around with each other. I walk right into the middle of them.

Davis takes a step toward me, and with concern, asks, “Is Gran okay?”

I nod my head as I narrow the gap between us even more. “Is it true?” I demand. “Is it true what Chad said about high school?”

A slow smile creeps across his face. “Yes.”

“You were protecting me?”

“I was trying to protect you both,” he says.

“You liked me back then?” I cannot wrap my head around this news to save my life.

“Very much so,” he tells me.

“I was so in love with you,” I confess. “I would have done anything to have known you liked me back.”

“My best friend was practically Copyright 2016 - 2024