Drained (Edgars Family #6) - Suzanne Ferrell Page 0,98

he’d draped his arm over her shoulders and pulled her a little closer so she fit right into his side. “Unfortunately, both Carson and Jake said there would be another body or more before we catch him. This guy has had a plan and a point to make since the day he took your friend Mia. Now that he has our attention, he wants more than the police to see what he’s done. He wants the city, even the whole world to acknowledge how smart and lethal he is.”

“So, you think Steroid Kyle is already dead?”

“I do.”

She didn’t know this young man, had never met him, but she’d hoped they could save him. It made her sad to think they couldn’t.

They sat quietly in the fading afternoon light. With her head on his left shoulder, the steady beat of his heart comforted her. Despite the horrible things she’d seen in the past few days, the grief over losing a friend, and the fear that others like Paula might be in danger, she’d never known such peace as she experienced with Aaron. His steady calm and constant dependability gave her strength.

“Who were you texting earlier?” Brianna asked after a while, not really wanting to break this little bit of peace in a horrific situation, but her curiosity, as always, got the better of her.

“Jaylon,” Aaron answered, his hand slowly stroking up and down her upper arm. “I asked him to contact the East Side Hope Fellowship church and get a list of their volunteers.”

“That’s a good idea.”

He gave a little shoulder shrug beneath her head. “It’s a starting place. No one was wearing a badge when we visited that shelter the first night, so I’m assuming they don’t have picture IDs on any of their volunteers…”

“But if Jaylon can get drivers licenses on them, Paula might be able to pick out the man she saw with Art,” she finished for him, seeing the path his thoughts were taking.

“It’s a long shot. We can also cross-reference the list at some of the other shelters and see if any names pop up in more than one place.”

“What if he used aliases?”

“He might. We’ve already established he’s smart, tenacious and plans ahead. But he’s also arrogant. Thinks he’s God and can decide how people’s blood should be used.”

Brianna snorted out a laugh. “I mean, who does that? That’s like saying, you’re not using your bones right, let me take them and give them to someone else.”

Aaron’s deep chuckle rumbled under her ears and she giggle more.

His phone rang.

“Crap,” he muttered, pulling it from his pocket, the brief moment of relaxed fun gone. “What’s up Jaylon?”

As he listened to his partner, Aaron’s body tensed.

“Where?” he asked.

Brianna didn’t have to ask what was wrong. The angry look in his eyes and the muscles clenching in his jaw as he got the details, told her all she needed to know. They’d found the next victim.

“Okay, we’ll meet you there.” He slipped the phone in his pocket and undraped his arm from around her then stood.

“Where did he leave the body this time?” She followed him into the kitchen, grabbing her coat as he got his.

“Where would you leave a former linebacker in this town, if you wanted to make a statement?”

“The stadium,” she answered. “No way is that going unnoticed by the media.”

“Oh, it gets better.”

“What’s up?” Matt asked coming in from the office.

“Another body. At the stadium this time and the bastard called one of the television stations.”

“Oh, no,” Brianna said, covering her mouth.

“Yeah. It’s going to be a fucking media circus.” Aaron placed both hands on her shoulders. “As much as I like your take on things and how much you’re already involved in the case, you don’t need to come this time. Some of those reporters might remember you from the sex-ring trial. It’ll be hard to keep your name out of it if that happens.”

She knew he had a point, but since that case, she’d kept a very low profile in person and on social media. Her hair color was its more naturally dark blonde color and she’d changed the style. Dressed in jeans, a sweater and dark jacket, she doubted she’d really stand out.

“I’d still like to come.”

“Okay. You stick close to me and like with Art, you can try to get video of the crowd. I have a feeling our guy is gonna be there tonight.”

“And Stanley?” she asked with a glance at the pup wagging his tail at their feet.


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