Drained (Edgars Family #6) - Suzanne Ferrell Page 0,97

it open a few pages. “He believes that our guy’s deviance from normal occurred when he was young. He blames the homeless possibly for someone in his family dying.”

“Maybe that person couldn’t get blood because it was used for a homeless person?” Brianna said, understanding where Aaron was going.

“The person would need a very rare blood type for that to be the case,” Katie said. As a nurse and the lone medical person at the table, she’d have more knowledge than them about blood transfusions. “When a person needs blood STAT and theirs isn’t available, we can give most of them O-negative blood. Majority of the people won’t have a reaction to it.”

“Most, but not all.” Aaron pushed the idea forward.

“True. It’s a very rare person that couldn’t use O-neg. That’s why they call it the universal donor type.”

“So, let’s say this happened when our guy was a teen and he held the homeless at fault for using the blood that would’ve saved his loved one’s life, he’d have plenty of time to conceive and carry out his plan.”

“That’s a long-range revenge scenario, you’re talking about, Jeffers,” Matt said. “He’d have to be extremely patient and disciplined.”

“Aaron’s right,” Brianna said, trying not to sound as irritated as she felt with Matt’s semi-dismissiveness to her and Aaron’s line of thought. “He froze my friend’s body for months just to hatch this plan to make his point.”

Matt nodded. “Okay, then what’s his next move? He’s already got the attention of the police.”

“He’ll leave another body, soon,” Aaron said, then staring straight at her. “And this time he’s going to want more attention.”

Sitting in his van in the parking lot for the port, he studied the facility across the street, his next spot to display his newest resurrection piece.

The perfect site. Right at the front entrance to the stadium.

He chuckled.

If the former footballer hadn’t tried to cheat by using steroids, he might’ve been coming here to play, hailed as a hero. Instead he’d squandered his talent and ended up a useless piece of human garbage like the vet and the violinist.

Thanks to him, their lives meant something in the end. People actually living up to their potential, contributing to society, people who mattered, would continue because he’d harvest the life-giving blood for them. People like his mother.

“It’s such a shame,” said the dark-haired woman in the light blue outfit all the other nurses in the Emergency Room wore.

He was sitting outside Mommy’s room across from the desk where the nurses and doctors kept moving in and out. Dad was still inside with her. They’d let him give her a kiss and hug then told him to wait on this chair, as if he wouldn’t know what was happening inside the closed door.

“Such a beautiful woman. She taught me art in high school,” the blonde nurse said.

“And her life could’ve been saved if we’d just had her blood type.”

A younger nurse shook her head. “I was the one who had to hang the blood on that homeless alcoholic patient. I wish I’d known we were going to need those two units for her. I would’ve made one unit go in slower. It would’ve bought her some time.”

“It’s not your fault,” the older dark-haired nurse said. “You got your orders and did your job. It’s just so sad this turned out the way it did.”

That was his mother. A woman who used her talents to teach others, make their lives better. She’d be proud of him now. Using his art and scientific skills to make something useful out of human trash.


“Do you really think the killer will try staging another body just to get more attention?” Brianna asked Aaron when they’d finished clearing the drinks from the table.

The group had needed a little breather from all the information they’d gathered about the serial killer—especially Paula, who started coughing and wheezing a bit. Katie had helped her into the bedroom for another of her breathing treatments and then a nap. Matt took the moment to go into the office and give Jake Carlisle and Frank Castello updates on the situation by conference call.

“C’mon.” Aaron took her hand and led her into the living room, lowering them both onto one of the leather sofas. Stanley immediately jumped onto the other side of her and snuggled into her side. She sank her fingers into his wiry fur and stroked him slowly, as much for her comfort as his.

“The simplest answer to your question is, yes,” Aaron said after

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