Into The Dragon's World - Brittany White Page 0,6


“I could say the same to you.” Their gazes met and held for a few long moments. Am I actually flirting with her? he asked himself. “Where are you sleeping tonight?”

Casey’s brows shot up, instantly on guard. “Is that some kind of invitation or…?”

“No, no.” Brady’s smile remained. “Are you going back to your home or a hotel or something?”

“Jasmine’s letting me crash on her couch for a while.” Casey turned more serious. “Is Jasmine in trouble for what she did? She was just trying to help me out. I asked if I could come—”

“It’s fine.”

“So, you just act like a hard-ass.” Casey nodded, a teasing smile in her eyes. “Noted.”

Brady needed to get some of his distance back. He liked her, and that was not good for him. He had a feeling that if he allowed himself to like this woman, like would lead to love and trust, pain and heartbreak, and he just couldn’t do that again.

“Is there anything else you wanted?” Brady managed to make his tone cold and aloof. He saw the flirtatiousness in her eyes flatten into disappointment. He hated to do it, but this was better for both of them.

“Are you working tomorrow?”

“I’m always working. Why?”

Casey sighed. “Well, I was going to ask if you would mind helping me get some stuff from my apartment. Jasmine’s got classes all day and you’re the only halfway decent man I know around here.”


She smiled a little. “Maybe three-quarters. I haven’t made up my mind yet.”

It would be so easy to just say no. So easy to make up a day filled with business meetings and deadlines and anything else he could think of to avoid spending more time with her. Who would blame him if he did? After all, she wasn’t his responsibility. She was a fully grown woman who lived independently and could take care of herself, right?

He glanced at the bandage on her arm. If her stalker had been able to do that in a public place, who knew what he might do if he caught Casey at home alone?

“Okay,” he said, exhaling loudly. “I’ll pick you up at Jasmine’s at ten.”

Casey’s smile melted into relief, and before he knew it, she was on her feet and at his desk, pulling him to his feet for a hug. As her arms wrapped around his waist, he allowed himself to relax a little, feeling a little drunk from the warmth of her body, the sweet rose scent of her hair. The feel of her breasts pressed against him was almost too much for him to take at the moment. Reluctantly, he straightened, taking a half-step away from her.

Her cheeks were flushed as she gazed up at him. Don’t look at me like that, he thought, fighting the urge to sweep a wayward strand of hair from her cheek.

“Thanks, Mr. Markonian.” She nodded and began easing her way towards the door, walking backward awkwardly as she kept her eyes on him. If he wasn’t mistaken, he thought he saw her gaze dart down the length of his body, darkening the blush on her cheeks.

The thought made him smile. And instantly hard. “Call me Brady.”

“Okay, Brady.” She paused at the door, looking back at him. “You know, I just don’t even know my name.” She smiled again, lighting up her entire face. “I’m Casey. Casey Donahue.”

Brady dipped his head in a nod. “Pleasure to meet you, Casey Donahue.”

“The pleasure is all mine, I’m sure,” she said with mock formality and bowed at the waist. Then, still smiling, she waved and closed the door behind her.

Brady was left feeling as if a hurricane had swept through his life. It wasn’t a good idea to help her. He knew that. He knew that if he had any bit of intelligence, he would make up an excuse for tomorrow and stay away from her.

But he also knew he wouldn’t be able to do that. The dragon within him had stirred, awakened by Casey’s scent. It wouldn’t let him walk away. It had already decided that he would have her. Brady had no choice in the matter.

Brady sighed in resignation. Fine. But he had a feeling that this was going to get messy.



Brady was in front of Jasmine’s apartment by 9:45 the next morning.

“He’s early,” Jasmine said as she peeked out the window. She cradled a mug of coffee against her chest. “Did I forget to mention that he’s notoriously early to everything?”

Casey stepped out of the bedroom. “I think Copyright 2016 - 2024