Into The Dragon's World - Brittany White Page 0,5

wanted was a glass of whiskey and a couple hours of sleep on his couch. That wasn’t asking too much, he thought. He just wanted a chance to catch his breath, relax, and figure out how to fix things. So, when he opened his office door and saw a woman lying on said couch sleeping, he had been just a little surprised. That was the last thing he’d expected tonight.

Poor kid looked exhausted. He’d moved quietly, not wanting to wake her. Her left arm was bandaged, and he could smell the fresh scent of her blood. She grimaced and rolled her head from side to side as she slept. Nightmares. She cried out, frowning.

Brady knelt beside her for a moment and laid his palm across her forehead. In an instant, the frown was gone, replaced by a soft smile.

He stood and sat at his desk, studying her. This must be the friend Jasmine had talked about, Kristy or Casey or something. Now he knew why Jasmine had asked to take an early break. Whatever had happened to her, it looked like it hurt. Scratch marks, not too deep but deep enough to draw blood and hurt like a bastard. Panther, maybe. Possibly wolf. He couldn’t quite tell which species until he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, concentrating on the scent. He caught it then, the sour stink of a bear. If she’d run into a bear shifter, she was lucky to be alive.

His gaze lingered on her. She wore jeans and a baggy sweater that had seen better days but did little to hide a very shapely body. He wondered if she was hiding on purpose. Her hair was wild and tangled, chestnut brown with just a hint of auburn and well-below shoulder length. Just the right length to barely veil her ample bare breasts as she sat atop him....

Brady blinked at the abrupt thought. Where had that come from? The woman was lying on his couch hurt and scared, and he was imagining her naked?

The floodgates had opened, though, and his years of celibacy hit him with a tornado of fevered images. Casey’s full lips opening under his. Her eyes half-lidded and gazing up at him with hunger. Her long legs naked and smooth and wrapped around his waist as he drove himself inside her…

Okay. Enough of that.

It was a pleasant enough way to waste time, entertaining increasingly lurid scenarios between them, but all of that was ruined when she woke up. Beautiful and sexy and vulnerable or not, once she opened her mouth, her attitude had ruined everything.

His office door opened and, speak of the devil, Casey popped her head into the room. “Hey,” she said, smiling faintly. “Can I talk to you?”

“Thanks for knocking.” Brady raised his brow and leaned back in his chair. “Okay. I’m listening.”

Casey entered and closed the door behind her. Brady gestured to the couch and she perched on the very edge of the cushion. Fight or flight mode, Brady thought.

“Listen…” Casey took a deep breath and met his eyes directly. “I wanted to apologize. For earlier.”

Brady sat up in his chair. “Really?”

“I was rude and…” Her voice trailed away as her cheeks flushed. “I was freaked out, to be honest. I haven’t been around too many...”


Casey nodded. “Until tonight, it’s just been Jasmine.”

Her vulnerability made him feel things he did not want to feel. Human or not, the woman was afraid and in pain. She needed help.

“Have you lived in the city long?”

“Five years. I moved here for grad school.” Casey eased back onto the couch. “I’m from a farm upstate. I didn’t know anything about anything before I came here.”

“And who did this to you?” Brady glanced at her bandaged shoulder. The gauze would need to be changed soon. “A teacher?”

“English professor.” Casey smiled bitterly. “English professor by day, bear shifter by night.”

“You didn’t know?”

“It’s not like you guys wear a sign around your necks.” Casey’s smile grew more natural. “Is there a secret handshake or some kind of signal to get in your club?”

Brady grinned despite himself. “I’d show you the handshake, but you have to have at least four paws to do it right.”

Casey laughed at that, and for a moment, Brady was struck speechless. Her entire being transformed when she laughed. He’d thought she was beautiful when she was sullen and rude, but now he didn’t know how he was supposed to react to this side of her.

“Cute and funny,” Casey said, still smiling. “Nice Copyright 2016 - 2024