Into The Dragon's World - Brittany White Page 0,58

back here, one of them got me from behind.”

“Sounds like you need more training then, Sammy boy.”

Sam grimaced at the nickname. “Please don’t call me that.”

Even opened his mouth to retort but the door opened behind them and David looked out at them.

“Could you guys keep it down a little bit? Some people need to get work done.”

“Some people aren’t supposed to be here at all,” William quipped, stepping past him and into the office. Sam and the others followed him in. “We’re supposed to be going out for drinks tonight.”

David’s office was small, cluttered with worn furniture and lined with shelves of books older than any of them put together. When he first arrived, Sam used to spend hours in one corner poring over anything and everything he could get his hands on.

David moved past them and took a seat behind his desk. Sam joined Axel where he rested against one of the bookcases.

“And once I’ve briefed you, you can go.” David reclined in his chair. “Sam, how’s Stella? Any problems?”

“Nothing much to report. She got everything she needed and I got to stand around stone-cold sober in a club full of drunk, horny humans. I don’t know why you insist on a full debriefing every time we do anything, I could have sent you a text.” David ignored him and turned to Even where he was sitting in the only other chair in the room, thumbing through what looked like an old set of fairy tales.

“And you two?”

“We followed up on a couple of leads for the missing person case,” Even said, putting down the book. “Nothing yet but did get a whiff of a weird scent leading into the forest.”

They all frowned at him, William scooted forward in his chair.

“What kind of weird?”

It was Axel who answered him, crossing his arms over his chest and shrugging.

“Don’t know – there was bear scent, definitely but it was… Weird is literally the only word I can think of to describe it.”

David looked pointedly at Sam, gesturing at Axel.

“And that is why we need the debriefing,” he quipped. “I’ll send some of the witches down tonight, get them to try a tracking spell.” He scrubbed one hand over his face and Sam felt a pang of sympathy. For such a small town, problems seemed to be drawn to them like moths to a flame and their alpha wore all of those problems on his face. The older bear looked exhausted. “Alright, you guys can go – have a good night.”

“Sir, yes sir,” they chorused.

David waved them out of his office with a rueful grin.

Sam convinced the others to go to the bar on the other side of town, not wanting another run-in with the drunkards. It was barely a mile out of their way, the perks of living in a tiny town in rural Connecticut, and they breezed through the door barely twenty minutes after leaving the agency.

Much like every other building in town, the bar was old fashioned, dimly lit and made seemingly exclusively for people under five-feet-five.

They crowded into a table in the corner, William grabbing the first round of drinks, and settled in for a long night. It had been a busy few weeks for them all and it felt good to finally get some time to relax and unwind.

“We should play baseball again sometime,” William said, gulping down half of his beer in one go. He was already tipsy, glass swaying from side to side as he talked. He always was a lightweight, Sam thought with a smirk. “Remember? We played all the time when we were training.”

Sam smiled at the memory of David pitching way too hard to each of them, the ball smoking with how hard it would hit the bats.

“If I remember right, you sucked at baseball, Will,” Axel teased. William squawked in protest, sending the rest of them into fits of laughter that drew the attention of the entire bar. Sam looked around, sending the other patrons of the bar an apologetic smile…and froze. There was a woman sitting at the bar, a vivid red cocktail in front of her. She had a phone pressed to her ear but she was looking right at him behind a pair of glasses, her eyes the brightest green eyes he’d ever seen. He couldn’t look away. Long, dark hair tumbled down her back, curling in soft waves that Sam wanted desperately to run his fingers through.

Axel nudged him, snapping his attention back to the table. All three of his friends were smirking at him.

“Oh, shut up,” Sam said, resolutely not blushing.

“We didn’t say anything,” William told him with a knowing smirk.

“I could hear you thinking.” They laughed and Sam flipped them the bird, taking a large glug from his drink to hide his face. Axel looked at him consideringly then clapped a hand onto his arm.

“You know we’re joking, bud, but it’d be nice to see you with a girl.”

“Yeah, it been what? Three years since Lizzie?” The other two nodded in agreement and Sam couldn’t help but smile at his friends.

“About that, yeah.” He’d been lonely and Lizzie had been there, cute and friendly, plus she actually liked him. But she’d wanted more than he could give her. Working for the agency gave him barely any free time at all. They’d argued a lot and whilst the sex had been amazing, they’d quickly learned that great sex didn’t save a failing relationship. He hadn’t thought about her for years – her or relationships – but that hadn’t stopped him from wanting. His gaze moved back to the woman at the bar, watching as she took small sips of her drink.

“Go talk to her.” Even’s voice broke through his thoughts and Sam recoiled.

“Nope. Not happening.” What would I even say to her?

“Come on, Sammy, you don’t need to marry the girl but you can at least go talk to her if you’re interested.” Sam liked sex as much as the next guy but the idea of a one-night stand had never appealed to him. If he was going to be with someone, he wanted to have a relationship.

“Yeah, you could do with a good lay, might loosen you up a bit.” They all laughed and Sam glared around the table.

“Fuck off, all of you.” Their phones all chimed in unison and Sam opened his text messages. “Well, look at that, the old man can text.”

“A group text at that,” William said wryly. “Sorry to interrupt your night but something’s happened. Come back to the agency,” he recited. “Well, there goes our good time.”

The girl at the bar watched them leave and Sam felt a pleasant shiver go down his spine.

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Also by Brittany White

Kindle-melting delicious stories for your reading pleasure. Get ready to get lost into the world of sexy shifters who are over-the-top alpha males, obsessed and super protective for their mates, and so…much…more!

Each of the book in these series has a new couple and a happily every after!

Billionaire Bear Shifter Boxset


“The most gruff, strong and silent brother”


“The most easy going one who effortlessly makes everyone happy”


“Little bit angry but always loyal”


“Alpha brother who’s in charge of everything”


Dragon Shifters of Kahului Series Boxset

The Alpha Dragon's Secret

The Alpha Dragon's Mate

The Alpha Dragon's Bond

The Alpha Dragon's Protection


Firefighter Wolves Shifters Series Boxset

Obsessed with the Alpha Wolf

Craved by the Alpha Wolf

Claimed by the Alpha Wolf

Seduced by the Alpha Wolf


Irish Dragon Shifter Brothers Series (NEW)

Billionaire Dragon's Nanny

Doctor Dragon’s Fake Bride

Lawyer Dragon’s Surrogate

Sheriff Dragon’s Secret Baby

Professor Dragon’s Virgin

Soldier Dragon’s Second Chance

About the Author

Brittany White is the author of hot paranormal romance. She began writing short stories for family and friends. Her vivid imagination and love of mysteries and romance eventually led her to follow her dreams to become a published author.

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