Into The Dragon's World - Brittany White Page 0,57

into the pockets. Sam scoffed, heels swinging between his fingers.

“I’m not that big of a sucker.” She punched him lightly in the shoulder.

They passed a bar, music spilling out onto the street every time the door opened. There were several drunk men standing around by the back door, nursing bottles of beer. Sam scented the air; bear shifters. One of the men looked up as they passed and he unconsciously stepped in front of Stella.

“Is that one of David’s boys?” one of them slurred. Sam sighed, he really wasn’t in the mood for this.

“Evening, fellas, we’d love to stay and chat but my friend here is really not dressed for the cold weather and I don’t want her catching a cold, so, if you’ll excuse us...” He turned, trying to get away before his words fully registered. He wasn’t in the mood for a bunch of macho douchebags looking for a fight, but the man moved in front of them to block the path, the others crowding around him like a flock of sheep. They were swaying on their feet, not an actual threat at all but Sam still felt his bear start to growl.

“All alone tonight, cub? Where’s your little friends?” he leered. Sam bristled – he was getting really sick of being called a cub. He cast Stella a glance and rolled his shoulders, taking a step forward.

“Luckily for you, it’s just me today.” The gun felt heavy in his waistband but he didn’t reach for it. No sense in pulling a gun on a bunch of drunken thugs. Besides, he thought gleefully, it's been a while since I’ve had a decent brawl. “Which will make this more of a fair fight.”

He squared his feet, ready to shift but apparently he didn’t need to. The first guy sprinted at him, clumsy human fists aiming for Sam’s jaw. He sidestepped, tripping his attacker and sending him tumbling into the dirt. Another man barreled into him from behind and Sam grunted as he too hit the ground. The guy was heavy and stank like shit. He fumbled, trying to get his hands around Sam’s neck but Sam got his feet up under him and kicked him hard in the stomach. The enemy shifter groaned and Sam easily rolled him away. He got to his feet, scowling at the layer of dirt on his clothes and turned to find the rest of the drunkards on the ground, grunting and groaning like they were pinned down. Sam turned to Stella, smirking at the look of bored disinterest on her face as she kept the men immobilized.

“Like I said,” she told him cockily, “I can take care of myself.”

Sam spread his arms in a sign of surrender and dusted himself down.

“Hey, I never said you couldn’t.” They started walking once more, Stella still shivering despite the coat. Sam sighed and dropped down.

Stella raised an eyebrow, confused.

“Uh…what are you doing?”

His knees started to ache and he huffed, pulling her toward him by the coat sleeve.

“Apparently, I’m more of a sucker than I thought. Hurry up before I change my mind.”

Stella grinned and leaped onto his back, legs wrapping around his waist. He adjusted his grip under her knees, bent down to grab her heels between two fingers and continued down the path.

The agency looked more like an old library than a headquarters, although Sam supposed that was the point. Can’t have a secret organization if everyone knows about it.

He and Stella said their goodbyes and Sam made his way down the winding hallways to David’s office, barely paying attention to his surroundings – he knew the building like the back of his hand anyway.

Axel, Even and William were waiting for him outside the door.

“You look like you had a fun night,” Axel smirked, noting the layers of dirt and sweat down his front. Sam flipped him off and he laughed. “Stella give you a fun time?”

“Don’t say it like that,” Sam protested. “Makes it sound like we’re dating. Even will get upset.”

“Oh fuck off,” Even growled, batting him away. Sam grinned, reaching out to ruffle his friend's hair. They had all joined the agency at the same time, living and training together for years with David as their alpha. Sam never thought he’d know family again after his parents died but now, seven years later, he had three friends as close as brothers and even a father-figure of sorts, not that he’d ever tell David that.

“We got cornered by some assholes on our way Copyright 2016 - 2024