Into The Dragon's World - Brittany White Page 0,35

of his hand, dipping down to cup her buttock, pulling her closer. She moaned softly into his mouth and his cock stiffened even harder. Casey nudged her knee between his thighs until the top of her thigh gently pressed against him. She moved her leg with agonizing slowness. Brady responded by slipping his hand between her thighs, cupping her soft warmth, fingertips toying with her.

“Brady, please…” Casey’s breathing was rough, hot against his skin.

“What do you want, Casey?” He could feel her straining against him and allowed the slightest bit of pressure from his palm. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want…” Her breathing hitched. “I want your fingers inside me.”

“Like this?” She gasped as he slid a finger inside her, keeping a slow, steady rhythm. She gently rubbed her leg against his hardness, matching his rhythm, and suddenly he felt her hand circling his cock, her skin so soft, so warm that he caught his breath. He raised his head and saw that she was watching him, gauging his reaction.

“So, you want to play…” he said, half-smiling.

He responded by sliding another finger into her heat, moving them in slow circles, back and forth, in and out. Brady kept his gaze locked with hers as she writhed beneath him, eyes half-closed from pleasure. She arched her back and gasped, and he could feel her inner walls spasming. As she recovered, he slowly withdrew his hand from between her thighs and propped himself up on one elbow, tugging her tunic higher and higher until he saw her concave belly, her ribs, her breasts.

“Now, it’s my turn,” Casey whispered. She pushed him onto his back and eased herself over him on her knees as she straddled his waist. The tunic came off in one easy motion and she tossed it away. She gazed down at him as he brought his hands up to her hips, over her waist and ribs. She wanted his hands on her breasts, but he must have sensed that. He held back, a faint smile on his lips.

Casey leaned forward, pressing her breasts against the mat of hair on his chest, her mouth seeking and finding his. She sat up again, flattening her hands against his stomach. He could feel the wet heat of her pressing against his body. She reached behind herself and took his cock in hand, stroking and rubbing it until Brady had to grit his teeth for control.

Then, in one graceful movement, she guided his cock inside of her, slowly lowering herself onto him until she had taken every inch. Her eyes widened as she looked down at Brady, a seductive smile curling the corners of her mouth.

“I wonder how long you’ll last,” she said softly, “if I do this…”

She began to rock against him, rolling her hips, rising and falling on his cock ever so slightly. Brady’s hands went to her waist and she allowed him to move her how he wanted. She ground her clit against him, and the expression of pleasure on her face nearly ended him.

Brady sat up, needing to feel more of her body as she rode him. His mouth roamed over her throat as she threw her head back, crying out with every movement. Her fingertips dug into his shoulders as she sought his mouth for a deep, devouring kiss.

Brady could take no more. He felt himself coming and held Casey tighter as she rocked against him. He trailed his mouth over her skin to her ear and whispered, “Come for me.”

She did. Spectacularly. Loudly. Brady didn’t try to contain his own shout of pleasure. Casey trembled as the last remnants of her orgasm trickled through her.

He gasped for breath, not moving for a moment, shaken by the intensity. When he opened his eyes, Casey was gazing at him, her breathing ragged. They looked at each other for a few seconds, a slow smile spreading across their faces.

Without a word, Casey reached up and touched his face, her fingertips softly outlining his lips, his jaw. Something passed between them at that moment. Something beyond their bodies. Beyond their souls.

And he finally understood.

He had found his mate.



“It’s probably not healthy to spend this much time in bed.” Casey stretched lazily and curled up against Brady, slipping her leg between his. He chuckled and put his arm around her shoulders. Once, there had been covers on the bed, but now they lay crumpled and forgotten on the floor. Neither of them seemed to mind. The light breezes that danced over their Copyright 2016 - 2024