Into The Dragon's World - Brittany White Page 0,34

He wasn’t on the grounds or in the garden or near the Arch. Casey’s frustration and confusion mounted with each shrug of “I don’t know.”

Had she completely misread every signal he had given her? Was she insane, or did the fact that he’d played grab-ass first give the impression that he wanted to elevate their relationship? Besides that, what man would turn down such a pathetically obvious advance?

It’s my fault, she thought miserably. I pushed it too hard. Came on too strong. I misread everything.

Cheeks blazing with humiliation, Casey had to get away from everyone. The Great Hall was just too crowded, too loud. She made her way out of the castle and across the drawbridge to the countryside. The light of the three moons was faint, but it was enough to see by. She crossed her arms under her breasts as she walked, idly kicking stones. Stupid, she thought. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

She took the path to the lake and gazed across its waters. A warm breeze rippled the surface. On the other shore was a grove of fruit trees. A small waterfall spilled into it from an outcropping of rocks.

Casey stopped walking. The grotto.

She rushed into the woods, looking for the subtle trail Brady had shown her. Even in the low light, she managed to find the path and in minutes, she was at the opening of the cave. She could see nothing but pitch-black inside. After a moment’s hesitation, she took a deep breath, exhaled, and entered.

She could hear the crashing, rushing water of the falls and followed the sound. Finally, she could see a faint light. She carefully climbed out of the cave, searching for any sign of Brady. She expected to find him brooding on the shore of the pond.

Instead, she found him in his true form.

A warm rush of wind and a sound that was like the flapping of sails pulled her gaze upward. A dragon glided over the grotto, wings spread wide, catching updrafts and riding them until a slow flap of his wings took him higher again. Its scales were a deep scarlet, almost black, and its wings spanned at least twenty feet. It banked, turning, and Casey could see its lean, narrow face. At that instant, its eyes caught Casey’s and it began a slow spiral towards the earth.

Casey felt breathless, watching in wonder as she struggled to make herself realize that this powerful creature was actually Brady. Knowing he was a dragon shifter was one thing. Witnessing it for herself was another.

The dragon slowly descended to the ground, each flap of its powerful wings bringing it lower and lower. The moment its talons touched the earth, Brady shifted back into his human form. His gaze locked onto Casey’s, pinning her where she stood.

Casey was only dimly aware that Brady was nude. The intensity of his eyes made everything else irrelevant. He crossed the space between them in a few long strides, saying nothing as he came to a stop in front of her.

“I don’t know why you left me in there,” Casey managed to say, her voice trembling. “Or why you’ve been acting so weird all week. But if you don’t want me, then say it, God damn it. Don’t make me think—”

He silenced her with a kiss.



Brady drew away slightly and gently hooked his finger under her chin, tilting her face up to his. He studied her unabashedly, learning the shape of her lips, the smoothness of her skin.

“Don’t ever think that I don’t want you,” he said quietly. “I want you too much.”

He heard her gasp softly as he brushed his lips against hers again, the kiss as gentle as a sigh. He pulled back slightly, reluctantly breaking the contact. She looked up at him with heavy-lidded eyes and slipped her hand behind his head, urging him closer.

Their lips met again, mouths opening to taste each other’s sweetness. Brady slowly lowered Casey backwards onto the moss, shifting his weight so that he half-covered her body. As their tongues languidly explored, he slid his hand to her waist. The material of her tunic was rough; he wanted to feel the softness it hid.

“Too many clothes…” he said and smiled, moving lower down her body. With agonizing slowness, he pulled the hem of her dress up inch by inch, kissing each bit of her body that he revealed. He slowly pulled at her dress until he could feel the silky warmth of her thighs. He stroked her hip with the flat Copyright 2016 - 2024