Into The Dragon's World - Brittany White Page 0,31

tasting him. She sat back down until her rump was pressed firmly against his arousal and gave a little wiggle. He moaned into her mouth and she raised her head again to look into his eyes.

It was all he could do not to rip the dress away from her and roll her beneath him. Every move she made against him was sweet agony. He could see that she knew exactly how she was torturing him and was enjoying every second of it. But that was fine. He could play that game, too.

High-pitched laughter echoed through the grotto and Casey froze, looking around for the source. Brady cursed to himself. Damned young ones had discovered the place. They’d be coming through the cave in a few seconds.

Casey looked down at him again and sighed. “Well...that was fun while it lasted.”

She stood and extended a hand to him. He smoothly rose, keeping her hand in his. Now that they were apart, he felt as if he had been doused with cold water. He shouldn’t do this. He almost felt as if he was betraying Savannah. Their physical attraction to each other was undeniable, but he didn’t know if he would be able to give her everything else that she needed. Part of him wanted to pull away from her, to stop the train before it went off the rails. The other part wanted to blast off full steam ahead.

Neither extreme seemed to be a viable option at the moment.

As he’d expected, a group of three children raced out of the cave, stopping short when they saw Brady and Casey. They immediately shifted into their other selves: a dragon, a bear cub, and a lion cub.

“It’s all yours, kids,” Brady said as he smiled and led Casey by the hand.



It was a dream. It had to be a dream, because nothing in life could be as perfect as the days following that kiss in the grotto.

Her boldness continued to surprise her. She had never been so forward, so confident with anyone. Every touch seemed natural, easy. He had seemed so tentative at first, as if he couldn’t quite believe that she was taking the lead. Casey couldn’t quite believe it either. Never had she ever felt so...aroused? Attracted? Horny? She felt like she became a different woman when she was with Brady, a woman with no shame, no hesitation, no limits.

After making love in his office, Casey had felt slightly awkward with Brady at first. She had shown him a part of herself that she kept hidden away, even from herself. She didn’t know what might happen if they found themselves alone again. The intensity of what she had felt scared her a little. She needed time to process everything.

At night, Brady walked her to her quarters and gave her a brief kiss at the door. He didn’t ask to come in. He didn’t ask her to join him in his chambers. She knew he was holding back for her benefit as well as his, but it didn’t make things any easier. To distract herself, Casey found herself adjusting to Brady’s world quickly, shocked that she didn’t miss all the bells and whistles of 21st-century life. The last few years had been a marathon for her, between work and internships and classes. Being here with Brady, she felt as if she could finally catch her breath.

Living among shifters had a bit of a learning curve, but Casey eventually grew accustomed to communicating with them mind to mind. In human form, they generally spoke aloud, but most of the shifters preferred their natural forms. She knew that no matter how long she might live, she would never tire of watching a shifter change forms. She had no other word for it than magic.

Something about Brady was changing, too. The longer they were in his world, the more comfortable he seemed to be with expressing physical affection in small ways. He would stop what he was doing to give her a kiss on the cheek or touch the small of her back as he passed by. He seemed to be as confused as she was. More than once a day, they would catch each other’s eyes and everything else in the world would fall away. She knew that he was remembering their time together as vividly as she was.

But neither of them acted on it.

It frustrated Casey to no end. As much as she wanted to be cautious and take her time, she also wanted Copyright 2016 - 2024