Into The Dragon's World - Brittany White Page 0,30

to use them. They usually preferred to remain in dragon form. Brady knew that they were only sustaining their human forms now to make Casey more comfortable.

“So…” Brady held his arms out at his sides, gesturing to the room. “What do you think?”

Casey rejoined him. Her once carefully arranged hair hung in tendrils around her face, the braid having long since come loose from the coil atop her head.

“It’s honestly...amazing. You literally live in a fairy tale.” She tilted her head back at the sound of rustling and flapping wings. High above them, a few young dragons playfully glided and wrestled with each other. “That explains the ceilings,” Casey said with a laugh.

They began walking again, leaving the castle. They strolled along the sandy shores of a large lake. Casey glanced up at Brady as she unexpectedly took his hand in hers, interlacing her fingers with his.

Brady’s smile widened. “So, we’re holding hands now, are we?”

Casey lifted their joined hands. “Looks like we are.”

They walked in silence for a while as Brady led her out of the castle compound and through the outer gate. A dirt path led away from the castle, winding through fields and gardens. Brady watched Casey as she took it all in, her eyes wide with wonder.

“This almost reminds me of my family’s farm,” she said softly. “But, you know, without all the dragons and shifters.”

Brady chuckled.

“So, where are you taking me, Prince Charming?”

“You’ll see.”

They entered the woods, where the trees grew so densely packed the temperature dropped a few degrees and daylight faded into shadow. Thick green moss covered the ground and trees. The path was almost overgrown here, but Brady knew exactly where they were headed. He had created the trail himself, marking the trees and clearing the path just enough so he’d be able to find it later.

He hadn’t seen the cave in many years, but it looked just as it had the first time he’d found it. There was nothing extraordinary about it. From the outside, it appeared to be just a jagged opening in the rocks. He hoped nothing had changed on the other side.

“Come on,” he said, pulling Casey into the darkness. He could feel her hesitation, but she followed.

Five steps in, Brady could see the light from the other side. They stepped out of the cave and he could hear Casey gasp in surprise. Just the reaction he’d been hoping for.

The cave led them to a hidden grotto. A small but graceful waterfall cascaded into a shallow pond that trickled out into the main lake. In the center of the pond was a huge rock island basking in a spotlight of sunshine. The island and the shores of the pond were covered with soft, pillowy moss dotted with small white flowers. The only sound was the rushing of water.

“This is beautiful…” Casey’s voice trailed away as she looked all around. She let go of his hand and began exploring.

Brady sat down on the shore, resting his forearms on his bent knees, smiling. “I spent a lot of time here when I was younger.”

Casey turned to him. “I don’t think I would have ever left.”

“This was the only place where I could truly be alone, without anyone watching over my shoulder to make sure I was performing my ‘princely duties.’” He shook his head and chuckled. “After so many years in your world, that sounds so bizarre to me now.”

Casey rejoined him, gracefully lowering herself to the ground. “You are a very interesting man, Brady...oops, excuse me...Braydon Markonian.”

“You’re just saying that because I turn into a dragon.” Brady’s smile slanted. They gazed at each other for a few long moments, saying nothing else.

Nothing more needed to be said.

She leaned towards him, eyes sparkling, and pressed a quick kiss against his lips. He smiled and touched her cheek, cupping her face in his hand.

“You are just…” His voice trailed away. “I have no words…”

Casey unexpectedly rose onto her knees and hitched up her tunic as she straddled Brady’s lap. He could only sit there, surprised by her actions, and gaze into her eyes. She straightened up, forcing him to tilt his head to look at her, and ran her fingers through his hair, her touch gentle. His entire body shivered, causing her to smile slyly.

She lowered her head and gave him another gentle kiss on the lips, this time opening her mouth slightly. He responded in kind. The tip of her tongue slipped over his lips and he realized she was Copyright 2016 - 2024