Dragonhammer - Conner McCall Page 0,88

they be there?” I ask.

“As the crow flies, they are closer to Fort Rugoth than we are. However, they do have to traverse through the Kindred Forest, which will slow them down a little. They should reach the plains about the same time that we do, if not a day or two after.”

“Why are we worrying about reinforcements?” asks Genevieve. “Isn’t this going to be a one-on-one fight?”

“Let’s just say that Lucius is a little bit of a sore loser, so to speak,” the Jarl explains. “We need to be prepared in case he refuses to honor the deal.”

He will, I think, but I do not utter it.

“Then we are dead men!” argues Magnus. “Against all of the Tygnar force in one place!”

“No we’re not,” I say. “We’ve got surprise. They are not expecting to lose.”

“Neither are we,” she argues. “I am afraid we go to our doom.”

“Have faith,” I say. “We will return alive and victorious.”

I tell my posse about the plan, and they all stand behind me.

“About time!” Jericho says. “I’ve been sitting here too long doing nothing!”

“You’re talking,” retaliates James. “I haven’t been able to fight with you for a month and a half.”

“It’s coming soon,” Percival mutters. “Too soon.”

The next morning we march, fully clad in armor, through the back gate of the city, across the bridge, and down the plateau on the opposite side. The forest ends quickly and we are walking across the plains.

The road to Fort Rugoth is plain, much like the one to Amgid, but without the trees. Large moss-covered boulders stick up out of the ground like the Wolfpack Mountains, leagues to the west, are trying to spread their domain. I’ve never seen terrain so flat, especially as expansive as this.

The Kindred Forest covers the hills about a league to our right, several leagues thick. The hills are rocky and some are dangerous, with tall cliffs and precarious high places. Always the forest stays within sight, but we never enter.

We set up camp to the left of the road, so as to stay away from the trees that may house malicious individuals or armies.

Genevieve sits at our campfire, next to me. I’m slightly uncomfortable with the situation because of what had happened at the Acropolis, but she does not try anything. At least directly.

She asks James, Jericho, and Percival what she had asked me: what their story is. They merely wanted to end the scourge and help our side win, they said. Seeming to have fulfilled her purpose there for the night, she strides off without a backwards glance. It strikes me as slightly peculiar.

The next day, James asks us while we are walking, “What do you think of the new Magnus?”

Percival raises an eyebrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I mean, she’s changed, hasn’t she? What made her do that? And do you think it’s for the better?”

“I don’t think it matters,” he responds. “She’s our commander. The end.”

“As far as you’re concerned,” James mutters under his breath.

“I think it’s just because you haven’t seen a girl in a while,” I say.

“I have!” he argues. “I’ve seen them around the cities we’ve lived in!”

“Yeah, but you didn’t know any of them,” I say coolly. “You do know Magnus.”

“Are you suggesting that-”

“That what James?” Jericho asks with a funny look. Jericho looks at him quizzically.

“Nothing,” says James. “It’s nothing.”

When Jericho turns his head with a roll of the eyes, I mutter to James, “It’s certainly nothing if you’re defending it.”

“What are you saying?”

“You know exactly what I’m saying.”

He gives me a horrendous I’m-gonna-kill-you-look.

“You know it,” I say with finality.

We continue our march in silence.

Commander Magnus stays at our campsite a little longer that night. I’m studying James as we sit, and I find that this is not merely a game he’s playing.

I trade a few looks with him silently while he and a few others carry on a conversation of some kind or another. He gets irritated very quickly, and once Genevieve leaves, he and I both stand.

“I know it,” he says quietly as he brushes past me. I give him a little triumphant smile.

Within the next few days Jarl Hralfar talks to me in camp. “Captain,” he begins. “We are nearing the spot designated for the battle to commence. We will reach it tomorrow.”

“What is the plan?” I ask. “I’ve never done one of these before.”

“Tygnar will back themselves to their fort, most likely. They will keep their army out, no doubt. We will stand about a quarter of a mile

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