Dragonhammer - Conner McCall Page 0,87

You’ll have to work harder than that to keep yourself from dying in a fight. You are dismissed.”

“I like this new Magnus,” says James once he thinks she’s out of earshot. “She’s still kind of mean, but she has a heart now.”

Percival raises an eyebrow at him.

“Oh, come on!” James says. “You don’t seriously think that-”

“I didn’t say anything,” Percival interrupts quietly. James shakes his head as Percival turns away.

On our way back into the Acropolis, James says so only I can hear, “I’m going to go for her if you’re not.”

“Good luck,” I mutter. He gives me a sheepish grin.

Yep. He’s still James.

THe messenger returns

Jarl Hralfar summons me to the council room ten days later.

“We have received a reply,” he says before I can ask the question. Genevieve stands on his other side.

“And?” I ask. “What is it?”

“Read,” he says, handing me the parchment.

The letter is written in spiky handwriting; Swordbreaker himself must have written it. It reads:

Servants of Gilgal:

I am of no mind to put myself in any situation that would destroy me or my soldiers without gain. Neither am I inclined to engage in any battle in which I believe the odds to be against me. That is why, however, I have decided to accept your challenge.

As you read this I am marching to Fort Rugoth across the Rutgar Plains. We will meet on the plains half a league east of the fort. If you do not come, I will wreak destruction on all the land you have worked so hard to protect. My armies will destroy you and your fortresses, kill all in their path, raze your farms, and leave your wives destitute. By accepting I am giving you a chance to save yourselves and your people by simply sacrificing one of your soldiers to mine.

I hereby agree to the terms previously discussed. Upon my victory all members of the clan of Gilgal will owe to me one half of all of their increase, to be spent furthering the war and destruction in the west against your beloved ally Mohonri and its leader Archeantus. If this tax is not met, all of the aforementioned penalties will befall you and you will be destroyed. I expect you to honor the agreement you have presented before me. I do not wonder at what has urged you to make such an offer, but I am gratified that you have seen sense and wish to end the bloodshed before more of your lives are lost.

In addition I expect a full withdrawal from the war when my champion stands victorious. You are to have no military with which to hinder my victory in the west. You are not to trade in any way, be it food, weapons, or any other good, with Mohonri or any of its allies. Your farms are to sustain my armies and none else. If you break this agreement, the aforementioned consequences will befall you with no mercy.

I recognize the second part of the agreement. In the case that your champion does rise victorious, we will withdraw fully from the war, but I refuse to impart any of my increase to you. Also, I reserve the freedom to trade whatever I will, with whomever I will. This will not be a problem for us, I trust.

I am Lucius Swordbreaker, Jarl and Lord of the clan Tygnar. I have spoken my word and will not take back what I have spoken. My word is order. My word is law. Upon the dawn of that day, I will rise victorious over you. Gilgal will lie beneath my feet. All will look up to me and know their lord and ruler. Meet me there or meet your destruction.

Lucius Swordbreaker

“It worked,” I mutter.

“Yes,” smiles the Jarl. “It did.”

I look up from the letter. “We have to march. As soon as we can set out. Gather all the men we can and march for Fort Rugoth.”

“I’ve already sent messengers out,” replies the Jarl. “We march for Rugoth upon the morrow.”

“But we’re grossly outnumbered!” I say. “We’ve got what- over a thousand men? What have they got? They had four thousand in this city alone!”

“I’ve also called out for reinforcements,” he says. “I’ve explained our situation through letters to Jarl Kjunn. He fully supports us and is coming through the Kindred Forest with an army of at least three thousand. He’s also bringing reinforcements from Thrak numbering at least two thousand, leaving the city still guarded by more than three thousand men.”

“When will

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