To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,55

a chance.

“Dorian Birch.”

There was zero hesitation, which said more than anything. “Thank you. I will see about finding out what this Dorian Birch is up to. My apologies, Lane, for the worry.”

“I’m just glad I won’t have to be moving my mother.” After I hung up I released a breath. Seemed Dorian was playing me pretty good.

“Hey,” Max said as he came into my living room freshly showered and in his clothes for the night.

“You look and smell amazing.” I smiled when he blushed.

“Thanks. Did you talk to anyone at your mom’s place?” He walked into my kitchen, and I had to admit I loved how he acted as if he had been here a million times.

“I did.”

He came out with two bottles of water, handing me one. We sat and talked, and I told him everything Karla said. He seemed to come to the same conclusion.

“So, either they’re covering his ass, or Dorian is a liar.” He chugged the rest of his water.

“I wish I knew which.”

He smirked and I had a feeling an idea had sprung up in that brilliant head of his. “If you trust me, I can find out for you.”

“I do trust you, but why do you say that like you need something from me?”

“I do. I need info on your mom. Her account there and stuff. I can ask a friend to do a little digging and see who’s lying here, because one of them is.”

I didn’t let a lot of people into my life. But Max wasn’t like other people, so I stood and went into my room, where I had a locked file cabinet. I opened it and took out the file on my mother. All the invoices, receipts—everything financial. I also had the admission contract in there, and the papers Dorian gave me. I came back out and handed the file to Max.

“I promise not to abuse your trust, Sparkles.”

I leaned down and kissed him softly. “I know.”

“Okay, how about you go shower and change, because you know you’re coming to work with me tonight, right?”

I laughed because I’d suspected he’d want that. “And what about Tank? I can’t keep asking my friends to watch him, and I don’t feel comfortable letting him be alone. Even though he’s not limping or in pain, I think leaving him alone would be a bad idea.”

As if Tank knew we were talking about him, he came running into the living room and playfully began attacking Max’s pant leg.

“Shane’s not working tonight. I can ask him if he’ll watch him.”

Shane was a sweetheart. He was kind and I didn’t hate the idea. “Okay, if you can call him, I’ll jump in the shower.”

“It’s a plan.”

Chapter Thirty-One


When we got to Shane’s, he was so excited to see Tank, who took to the redheaded man right away. Sparkles went over when to feed him and said he’d be by in the morning to pick him up. We were originally going to get him after the club closed, but that would be around four and we didn’t want to wake Shane if he was sleeping.

“How is he so tiny?” Shane asked as Tank worked really hard to lick his face.

“Teacup poodle.” Sparkles shrugged. “He foiled my plan to get a big guard dog when he looked at me with those little eyes.”

Shane chuckled. “I can totally see that. I used to have dogs when I was a kid. I love them.”

“Well, you boys have fun tonight and thanks, Shane,” I said.

“My pleasure. I was just going to chill, watch some Netflix. My friend was going to stop by, but I don’t know if he is or not. But now it won’t matter because I have this little guy to keep me company.” Shane was adorable with Tank. I was shocked he was still single.

We said our good-byes and got into my truck. I had to be there a little earlier, and Sparkles said he’d go harass Toby while I did my bartenderly duties.

I watched Sparkles as he laughed, carefree with Toby. He was wearing a gorgeous light-blue silky shirt with black tight pants. His pink hair was bright and styled, and he had baby blue eye shadow on with opal lip gloss. He was a vision. It wasn’t until I heard a throat clearing that I realized I was staring.

“You’d make a horrible stalker,” Ledger said as he came up next to me and grabbed a glass.

“I’ll make a note to remember that.”

Ledger filled his glass with water Copyright 2016 - 2024