To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,54

was fine covering for me, but I knew I had to shake off these cobwebs of worry and live my life. Hiding away wasn’t going to get anything done and would only make Dorian think he’d scared me.

When Max and I fell into bed at the end of the day, I expressed my concerns to him, and he said he’d come back to my place with me. We decided not to give his family a vocal show that night, and I fell asleep in Max’s arms, Tank resting on a little doggie bed Maria had made for him.

We took Max’s truck to my apartment building the following day. We were going to take it anyway, but his mother made a huge deal about how poor sweet little Tank being strapped to a motorcycle was cruel. I laughed, because of course I’d never do that.

“There doesn’t seem to be anything suspicious,” Max said as he pulled into my building’s parking garage.

“Oh, I’m sure Dorian has someone watching or driving by now and then. My Jeep is here, so they’re likely checking the studio across the street or seeing if it’s gone.”

“Let’s hope they don’t recognize my truck. I mean, I’m up for a fight if they want one, but I’d like you to have some peace.”

It was such a sweet thing to say that I reached over and took his hand once he’d parked. “Thank you, Max.” I placed a finger over his mouth, stopping him from asking his question. “Before you ask what for, for everything. For not judging me, for caring, for letting me into your family. You didn’t have to do any of that, but you did. Thank you.”

I knew he wanted to give me some big speech, but he just smiled and said, “You’re welcome.”

We went upstairs, Max bringing a bag of his stuff since he said he wasn’t leaving me here alone. I would’ve argued with him if I didn’t love the idea of him staying with me.

I got Tank settled and Max said he was going to shower because he had to work later. While he was in the bathroom, I turned my laptop on and researched the facility my mom was at. In the Google search engine, there was no mention of financial issues or a call for help. I then made sure to double-check my emails to see if they’d sent a mass email out to us with regard to an issue, but there was nothing. The only thing left to do was call.

“Lilac Spring Medical, this is Polly, how may I help you?”

“Good afternoon, Polly, my name is Lane Ashley, my mother is a patient there, Dawn Ashley.”

“Oh, yes. What can I do for you, Mr. Ashley?”

“I need to speak with someone in administration. I was given disturbing news today and I will need reassurance that Lilac Springs isn’t in some sort of financial trouble.”

There was a beat of silence before Polly spoke again. “If you can hold a moment, I’ll connect you with Karla Shelby, she’s the assistant to the CFO.”

“I appreciate it.” I listened to the dreadful hold music and I imagined Polly explaining to them the situation. If it was true, they likely didn’t want it getting out they were in dire straits. If it wasn’t true, they’d want to squash those rumors.

“Mr. Ashley?” a different woman’s voice said.


“Hello, Mr. Ashley, I’m Karla Shelby. I just spoke with Polly, and she told me some rather disturbing news.”

“It’s only disturbing if it’s true.”

“Oh, make no mistake, Mr. Ashley, it’s disturbing, no matter which way you fold it.” Karla sounded quite upset, but I couldn’t tell where her anger was directed.

“Look,” I said with a sigh. “A gentleman came to my home and told me he was going to be merging with Lilac Springs. He upset me a great deal.” I was laying it on thick, but I wanted her to tell me the truth.

“Mr. Ashley, I—”

“Please call me Lane.”

“Lane, I’m not sure what that gentleman was referring to, but Lilac Springs isn’t merging nor are we in any financial trouble. But if there is someone going around spreading false rumors, I’d ask you to divulge the name. I can only imagine how worried people might be to be visited and given this information.”

I took a moment to think about it. What if it was true, but she wanted his name to see the validity of my call. Would she call Dorian and rat on me? No. I had to take Copyright 2016 - 2024