To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,46

out, trying not to untangle myself from Sparkles.

I kissed along his body until his cock pressed against my lips, loving how he shivered and mewed as I licked the precome there. I knew he was as close as I was, so I took him down my throat, ignoring as he arched and his cock pushed even deeper. I loved sucking cock, and his was like a delicacy.

“Max,” he begged, and I slid off.

“I know.”

I poured the lube on my fingers and worked him open. I watched as he bit his lip, wiggled, and came apart right before my eyes.

“Damn you’re gorgeous,” I said as I slipped the condom on and leaned over him. “Spread those legs for me.” He did and damn, he was flexible.

I loved how he smiled as I pushed in, how his eyes fluttered closed and he exposed his neck as he let the feelings take over. I was surrounded by him. His hole gripped me, his arms hugged, and his breath was like oxygen. It was like being in a bubble where only he and I existed.

“Harder, please,” Sparkles said as he met my thrusts.

I wrapped my arms under him and held him as I pounded into him at a punishing pace. The sounds of his “yesses” and “mores” drove us to orgasm, and as he shouted his release I was quiet. As if my words would shatter this perfect moment.

We didn’t move, even as my cock softened. I knew I needed to get up in a moment to clean up, but Sparkles gripped me. His desire to freeze life right here and live in this moment forever was so palpable, I relaxed and enjoyed the seconds.

As I cleaned us up and we lay in his bed afterward, I silently pledged to make sure Dorian Birch left Haven Hart. I didn’t really care so much how—if it was by car or body bag. He just needed to leave this town.

Sparkles fell asleep long before I did, and thoughts and plans swirled around my brain. I’d make Sparkles feel safe again and protect all he’d built.

Chapter Twenty-Six


I woke to the sound of Max cooing. When I opened my eyes, I saw him sitting on the bed, petting Tank and talking to him as if he were a little baby. I dared not move, enjoying the moment. It was clear Max was naked, only the sheets protecting his bits from Tank’s little claws. Tank was tiny, but in comparison to Max he seemed even smaller. I smiled when Max referred to him as Tank the Mighty and laughed when he wouldn’t let go of Max’s finger. The sound of my laughter gave my spying away, and Max peered over at me.

“You think your fierce pup mauling me to death is funny?”

“I think it’s funny you think him fierce, and the fact that he didn’t even break skin is mauling you.”

Max then stood, and I watched as he walked around my room. I didn’t get a good look at his ass last night, but I remembered it from his bedroom, and seeing it in the morning light was a wonderful treat.

“Are you ogling me?” he asked as he comically tried to cover his butt.

“Oh, yes, I sure am.”

He chuckled as he grabbed his clothes and went into my bathroom. I then got out of bed, grabbed some clean clothes, and dressed quickly. When I entered the kitchen, I hit the button for the coffee and gave Tank his food and water. He’d need to go out to do his business, but he loved eating first.

Max came in a few minutes later, wearing his clothes from the night before; however, it was obvious he’d cleaned up a bit.


He nodded. “Please.”

I placed sugar and milk on the table and handed him a mug of coffee. I watched as he put in a couple of scoops of sugar and a dip of milk. I didn’t wonder why it felt important to know how he took his coffee; I just wanted to.

“I had a good time last night.” He smiled over the rim of his mug.

“Me too.”

I felt like part of me needed to apologize to Max for my past. But it was also odd because there was no judgment when he looked at me. He didn’t see the dirt that I swore was clinging to my skin.

“You know how you said you loved my home? You felt the love there?” Max was staring at his coffee as he spoke.


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