To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,45

about hiding you away forever; then I thought how you’d kill me.”

He chuckled but the smile died, and ever so slowly, he got off the couch. At first he just stood in front of where I sat beside him, a small smile playing on his lips.

“What are you doing?”

He didn’t speak; he put one knee on each side of my legs and straddled me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and for a moment I forgot about all the shit going on. It felt like the most perfect moment.

“If you locked me away from the world where no one would get to me, would you at least be staying with me?” He spoke so softly, his breath fanning over my face.

“Yes,” I said, and it was like a switch was flipped.

Sparkles pressed his lips to mine, his fingers brushed against my neck, and I pulled him infinitely closer to me, crushing his body to mine.

“Do you want me, Max?” He pressed kisses against my face as he asked.

“God, yes.”

He pulled back, and lust-filled eyes met mine. “Even after all I told you?”

“As much as I want to explain to you how everything you told me only made me want you more, I also really, really want you. So, if you’re open to the idea, I’d love to carry you to your bedroom, pretty much worship your body, and then, if you’d like, we can form words.”

He laughed so hard, the sound was musical and when he nodded, I stood up, carrying him with me and moved in the direction he pointed.

When Sparkles tucked his face into my neck so I could see where I was walking, I wanted to stop and just be in the moment. He was completely wrapped around me, and in all the months I’d thought about being with him, never did I realize how just feeling him would be everything to me.

It was dark as we entered his room, but a second later I felt Sparkles move one of his arms and hit a switch. It was a dim light, and I took a brief moment to check out his room. He had a black bedspread that shimmered, and his walls were purple. That was all I got to see before he was kissing me again, and we were falling onto his bed.

“You feel so good,” I said as Sparkles kissed over my flesh, lifting my shirt as he went. His fingers fluttering over my nipples made my cock harden uncomfortably behind the zipper of my pants.

“Mmm,” he hummed, and he licked all the way down my chest, toward my stomach.

“Holy shit, Sparkles, if we don’t get naked soon, I’ll come in my pants.”

He chuckled. “Like how I came in my pants in your childhood bedroom?” His eyes glittered and damn, he was fucking sexy.


There were no words after that, just the sound of rustling as we divested ourselves of our clothes. Once we were both naked, I took a moment to take him all in. He had the body of a dancer—if I didn’t already know that was what he did, his body told the story for me. His perfectly hard cock leaked, and blond hairs neatly curled around it.

“So, you’re a blond,” I said, earning me a slap on the leg. “Come here.” I opened my arms, and he fell into me.

I flipped us so I could cradle him below me, kissing his face, lips, neck. “Do you have a condom? Please say you do?” My voice was muffled against his flesh, and he chuckled.

“I’m shocked you don’t have one in your pants,” he joked but it stopped me, and I lifted to look at him.

“You still think I want to just fuck you, Sparkles?” He didn’t say anything, but I saw the doubt there, that his words hurt me, and he didn’t really mean them. “Dorian did a number on you. All those men did. I’m not like them. Yeah, I want to fuck you into next week and maybe at one point, it was all I wanted. But not anymore. You’re more than that. You’re worth more than that. Please tell me you believe me.”

He released a breath, and a smile adorned his face. “I do, Max.”

It was all I needed to hear. I kissed him then, my tongue dipping into his mouth, tangling, needing. He scooted up as we kissed, and I heard a drawer open.

“Condom, lube, in there,” he said as he panted. I reached in, pulling them both Copyright 2016 - 2024