Devil Incarnate (Boys of Preston Prep #4) - Angel Lawson Page 0,98

a little help. He flops down on the couch and gives me a bored look. “Emory and Carlton—well, and me—we just thought maybe we could use another set of eyes on the new member list, and since he’s here and everything…”

Heston looks annoyed at my blathering, finally speaking up. “I can make sure you get the right kind of Devil.”

Nodding, I agree. “Yes! A unique perspective.”

“Over my dead body,” Vandy says, eyes narrowing. She jerks her head toward the door. “Georgia, could we have a word? Alone?”

“Sure.” I glance back at Heston, stomach fluttering with nerves. “Don’t touch anything.”

I follow the two of them back out the door and into the cramped hallway. I’ve barely got the door closed when Vandy says, “What the hell is going on? Why did you bring him here?” She lists off on her fingers, “He’s a creep. A pervert. A criminal.”

“You just listed half the characteristics of our pledge class, V, including your brother and boyfriend.” Emory’s confession was getting a blow job from Skylar Adams that terrible night all hell broke loose at a Northridge party. And Reyn…well, everyone knows Reynolds McAllister will steal anything not bolted down, and half the time he’ll steal that, too.

Her arms cross. “It’s not the same. Heston isn’t a Devil. He’s Satan.”

Caroline adds, “Georgia, he hurt you.”

I point out, “He’s at Preston to work that off. You know, make a change.”

“And you believe that?” Caroline asks, eyebrow raised dubiously. “You think he really wants to change?”

No. Not in the slightest. “I think that we’re struggling here and could use some help. Heston isn’t who I’d pick either, but we don’t have a lot of choices of people who are in the inner circle and know the students.”

“I don’t trust him,” Vandy says. Caroline nods in agreement.

“Good.” I give them both a firm look. “We’re right not to trust him. That’s something that’s earned, Devil or not. But I do trust your brother, especially when it comes to our secret society, and with you. Those are the two things that mean the most to him. It means something that he let Heston in, and I’m not sure exactly what, but I owe it to him to find out.”

Her lips set into a tight line, obviously thrown off by that one. Exhaling slowly, she says, “I agree Em wouldn’t do anything to hurt me or the group, but my brother isn’t exactly known for his decision-making skills, especially when it comes to his dumb high school idols. He worshiped Heston and Hamilton back in the day.”

I know what she means. Emory and the other guys really looked up to Heston and Hamilton Bates. Both of them were atrocious assholes, but they’re also a big part of why we’re standing here right now, determined to do right by the Devils. “Hamilton changed, didn’t he? Maybe we should give Heston a chance.”

The look she gives me is incredulous, and all I want to do is cringe myself into some sort of cellular event horizon. Me, defending Heston Wilcox? I might as well hang a sign around my neck that says ‘I’m fucking Satan, ask me how!’

Thankfully, Caroline steps in. “I’m not sure I believe that, but whatever. He’s here. He knows. We might as well get something useful out of it by implicating the ever-loving shit out of him.”

“But if he’s an ass, we’re kicking him out,” Vandy declares.

“I have no problem with that.”

We file back in the room and I don’t look at Heston, even though I feel his eyes on me. I feel like I should take a shower. Rallying behind Heston isn’t something that’s natural or, like, even fucking sane.

I point to a seat in the circle. “Well, if you’re going to join us, take a seat.” He heaves himself off the couch and walks over, taking a chair on the far side of the circle. I grab my list. “So we have—”

“Hold up,” Vandy says. We all look at her. “If he’s going to sit in the circle, he needs to hand over some collateral.”

“Collateral?” Heston says. “Like money? Property?” He barks a laugh, spreading his arms wide. “I’m wearing everything I own, blondie.”

“No,” Caroline says, glaring. “As Devils, we deal in secrets. You have to share your biggest sin.”

“We all had to do it,” Vandy says, giving him a mean smile. “It’s the first initiation rite. If you want to be a part of this, that’s the price.”

“Here’s a flaw in this awesome new Devil structure Copyright 2016 - 2024