Devil Incarnate (Boys of Preston Prep #4) - Angel Lawson Page 0,97

drop my eyes, feeling awkward, “for you know, cleaning up my leg.”

“Just don’t do it again,” he says with a shrug, like it’s not a big deal. But we both know it is. All of this is increasingly a big deal. He jerks his chin toward the door. “You go. Get to class.”

“Yes, Mr. Wilcox,” I tease.

He rolls his eyes. “Go. Before I give you detention.”

“Is that a threat or a promise?”

Maybe I can blame it on the weed hitting me sooner than I expected.

He doesn’t respond but opens the door while hiding behind it. I walk into the hall feeling a million times better than I had a short while before. I have a date to the ball, I’m sexually satiated, and on my way to a fantastic buzz. Now I’m definitely out of my funk.

“Don’t touch anything.”

It was a bad idea to bring him here. Heston slowly roams around the bunker under the tower—the Devil’s Lair—taking in the group's history. A group he was part of, but didn’t respect. Not that way he was meant to.

He points to a photo of one of the tattoos. “Are you going to tell me whose inner thigh this is? Because that’s some next level kink.”

I turn the photo of Vandy’s tattoo over, shooting him a glare as I pass. “No. I’m not telling you anything. I told you, stop touching stuff.”

He rolls his eyes and walks over to where I’m standing over the desk, running through the list of possible members we complied. I’m still not sure, which is actually why I brought him. Emory and Carlton obviously saw fit to spill the beans about the Devils, so I might as well make use of it. There’s a particular darkness needed to be a Devil and I know Heston can sniff it out.

He moves behind me, and I start when I feel the tip of his nose against my neck. “Fuck, you smell good.”

“Everything smells good compared to the air down here,” I reply, but his words act like a spark. I turn to face him, swallowing. “The girls are going to lose their shit when they see you here, so you’re going to have to behave. Keep the assholery down, would you?”

There’s this lock of hair hanging in his eyes that my fingers twitch to sweep away, the feeling only intensifying when he cages me in, palms planted on the desk beside each of my hips. “You think I can’t act civil?”

I watch the corner of his mouth, fascinated at the way it pulls and tucks with his smirk. “Not really.”

“If I’m too nice, they’ll get suspicious, don’t you think?” He tips forward to press his lips to mine, tongue peeking out to run along the seam of my lips. “We’re enemies.” He kisses down my jaw. “Can’t stand each other.” A nip at my throat. “Bad, bad blood.” A lick at my overheated skin.

He doesn’t feel like an enemy right now. He feels warm and good, and exactly like what I need. His hands grip my hips and he moves us toward the couch. I follow easily, letting him lead, because it’s been hours since that closet and I’m ready for more—always ready for more, couldn’t get enough if I tried. It can be just like then. Quiet. Fast. So hot that I can still feel him inside of me, even—

The hinges creak in the stairwell, and a moment later the big door opens with a loud moan.

I lurch away from him, spine rigid. “Fuck, shit.”

Heston just rolls his eyes, slouching back over to the shelves.

“Hey!” I say as soon as the door opens, pretending like my hands aren’t trembling. “There’s been a small development you should be made aware of.”

Vandy’s frozen in the doorway, wide eyes pinging back and forth between us. “What the fuck,” she breathes. And then, much louder, “What the fuck is he doing here?!”

Caroline openly gapes at Heston, just as frozen as Vandy. No words come out, but I see the judgment—the open contempt—blazing in her eyes.

“So your brother and Carlton told Heston about the Devils. Which, if you think about it, makes sense because he technically used to be one—”

“Not in good standing,” Caroline finally speaks. “He was banned.” I’ve known Caroline for a while now, but I’ve never seen her truly angry. It’s a sight to behold. For someone always regarded as a scrawny little geek girl, she looks like she could throw down.

“Right, right,” I agree, glancing back at Heston for Copyright 2016 - 2024