Devil Incarnate (Boys of Preston Prep #4) - Angel Lawson Page 0,23

I’ll be damned if you’re getting another fucking thing from me.”

Her bright, emerald eyes skim over my chest, cheeks blooming a vivid pink. I’ve seen her flushed before, so I know exactly how low that blush of her goes—all the way down to her cleavage, her tits, her flat belly.

Bitch is still gagging for my cock, even now, isn’t she?

I hear a small series of snaps and my eyes jump down to watch her pluck at a rubber band around her wrist. My eyes narrow on the purpling skin beneath it.

“Don’t blame me for your behavior, Heston. Don’t you fucking dare,” she growls, her green eyes blazing. “This isn’t a joke. Micha and I both have to pass a P.E. requirement, and as much as I don’t want to spend another moment in your presence, I don’t have a choice. Neither does he.”

“Join the other class then.” This time, the tips of her ears turn red, too. I realize this isn’t Georgia being her usual horny self. This is embarrassment. “Oh, this is fucking rich. You need me to teach you, don’t you?” A cruel smile pulls at my lips as I lean forward, goading her. “Why do you need me to teach you, Little Red Riding Cocks?”

From the way her lips are angrily pursed, she knows I know. The way she growls out, “Because I can’t swim,” is a delightful bonus, though.

I laugh, even though I’m not amused in the slightest. “Seriously.”

“I can’t swim,” she repeats, thrusting a palm toward the pool deck. “Neither can Micha.”

My eyes flick out to watch the kid, lost in his own little world as he practices some kind of bouncy dance footwork. “You can’t swim. At all.”

“Possibly enough to not drown,” she clarifies, shifting uncomfortably. “Definitely not enough to pass intro swim.”

I cross my arms over my chest, and her eyes track my movements. “So what you’re saying is that you’re desperate.”

She frowns. “Don’t be a dick.”

“Do you really think I know any other way to be?”

“No.” She says it plainly, unapologetic, eyes full of apathy. It almost makes me laugh. I know the rumors about this girl. Hell, I probably started half of them. But I’ve spent the last three years pretending she didn’t exist. Now she’s in front of me, vulnerable and desperate.

That’s exactly how I like my women.

And it’s exactly what I need to win that bet with Big Gene.

“Fine,” I say, as though I had another option. “I’ll do it, but there are conditions.”

“Conditions?!” Her voice reaches this pitch that makes my eardrums cringe. “You don’t get to make conditions, Heston. You’re the teacher. Teach. Or are you such a petty prick that you can’t even play at being an adult for five hours a week?”

“Conditions,” I grind out, eyes narrowing. “First one being that the two of you will treat me like any other member of the faculty. That means that the next time you call me anything but ‘coach’ or ‘sir’, I’ll be writing your asses up. Second,” I say, stopping before she voices the protest I clearly see building in her expression, “I’m not treating you differently than anyone else. You’re not special.”

“Good!” She says, balking. “We both know what your special treatment looks like. I think I’ll pass.”

“And I’m not babying you just because you’re both dumbfucks who didn’t learn how to swim when you were kids, like normal people.” She takes a deep breath in, probably about to argue that no other member of the faculty would ever speak to a student this way. I shut that shit down quick. “And you can’t go tattling on me every time I say something that hurts your precious little feelings. If I can play at being an adult for five hours a week, then so can you.”

“Fine,” she says, clearly holding in an argument against this. “Anything else, Coach Wilcox?”

God, that fucking sneer of hers.

I bend forward and whisper in her ear, “Wear a suit that shows off those tits better, Haynes. If I’m going to be forced to do this, I may as well get something out of it.” She opens her mouth to say something smart and I close it with my fingertip. “Please, like every guy in this school hasn’t seen them already.”

I step away, turning my back, effectively dismissing her. I might have been forced into living at Preston, working at Preston, and teaching the snotty-nosed youth of Preston, but when it comes to Georgia Haynes, I’ll always have the upper hand.

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