Devil Incarnate (Boys of Preston Prep #4) - Angel Lawson Page 0,22

crossed over his chest too, revealing surprisingly toned arms. It doesn’t matter that he’s wearing a headband or dark lipstick. This isn’t the kid Hamilton busted my jaw over.

I look back at Georgia, feeling the same clutch of fury I had that night at the club. This fucking bitch… “What is this, some kind of joke?” I look around, half expecting to see my boys—my Devils—laughing in a corner somewhere. The realization that my Devils are gone, that this is a new sort of reality, hits me somewhere in the solar plexus. “The school freak and the county whore just happen to show up in my first class?” Doubtful.

Georgia’s jaw tightens, and she might play it off, but I can still see the flinch in her eyes at the word. Whore.

Adams’s dark eyes narrow. “Yeah, this isn’t ideal for us either, Wilcox, but it is what it is. Deal with it.” There’s a hint of disturbing delight in his eyes, like maybe a part of him finds this funny.

I’m not laughing. “You’re really trying my fucking patience, Haynes.” I’m tired of getting my balls squeezed by the people at this school. First Collins, now this. I’m not a fucking narc, and I’m especially not a goddamn babysitter.

I lift myself out of the pool and onto the deck. Cool air hits my overheated skin and I grab a towel, wrapping it around my waist. I look across the pool at Coach James, but he’s involved with a class. I stop and turn. They’re both a few feet away, eyeing me warily. “So this is the set-up?” It has to be. Maybe not by the Devils, but by someone. Two people that I’ve supposedly ‘bullied’ or ‘harassed’ showing up in my class can’t be random fucking happenstance. Someone is trying to take me down. Again. Goddamn it. I glare down at Georgia, my blood growing hotter with anger when I realize she’s staring at my bare chest. “Was this your idea?”

Her eyes snap up, going tight at the corners. “Why do you keep thinking I’m behind some nefarious plan to take you down? Trust me, any proximity to you wasn’t even remotely part of my plans for senior year, and now you’ve popped up twice. If anyone deserves to be pissed off about it, it’s me!”

“Twice?” Micha asks, looking between us. Georgia’s mouth clamps shut. Good to know she’s not announcing to the world about our match-up. If Collins found out about that, he’d throw my ass out of here whether I offer him useful information or not.

“Fuck this,” I say, storming away. “I’d rather deal with the judge than be trapped with the two of you in this hellhole.”

It’s not smart. I should be working on getting between Georgia’s thighs, not stomping the other way. But every time I look at her, I’m reminded of that night—of how much she liked it. That bitch came on my dick three times. She loved every second of it. And then she turned around, more than two years later, and used it against me.

I reach the small office Coach James gave me—the captain’s office Hamilton and Gwen used during our last swim season. Since competitive swim hasn’t started up yet, I’m using it as a place to hole up between classes. I yank off the wet towel and hang it on the hook next to the door. Running my hand through my hair, I try to get a hold of my anger.

Unfortunately, getting rid of my anger for Georgia Haynes is like getting rid of a bad case of the clap.

“You’re such a drama queen, do you know that?” she says, storming into the room. “It’s just a stupid swim class. I know you can’t stand being near us.” She gestures to Micha, who’s still out on the swim deck. “An Adams Family Freak and the ‘county slut’,” she sneers at the word, “but we don’t have any other options and from what I gather, neither do you.”

I walk over and press a hand against the doorjamb, openly using my size to intimidate her. “You’re right, Haynes. I am out of options. I wonder why? I wonder who was behind that?” I give a low laugh that echoes off the small office walls. “Was getting me arrested not enough? What else do you want, Georgia? My head on a pike? Me down on my knees begging for forgiveness? Because I’ve already been tossed in jail, had my reputation smeared, and been completely fucking disowned. Copyright 2016 - 2024