Deviant (Boys of Winter #3) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,67

my fingers through his. “We’re going to get her,” I promise him, “and when we do, it’s going to be epic.”

Cruz rolls his eyes. “Yeah … let’s hope.”

King’s phone rings a second later and I glance back at him, watching as he slips his phone out of his pocket and glances down. “It’s Grayson,” he mutters, letting us know before accepting the call and pressing the phone to his ear. “Yeah,” he says down the line. “It’s clear. We’ll meet you up there.”

The call ends quicker than it started, and before I know it, King is walking toward us and nodding up at the big house. “So, you want to see the house your father created or what?”

Fuck yeah.

It takes well over ten minutes just to walk from the front gate up the long driveway, and for a slight moment, I’m left wondering why the fuck we didn’t just drive up considering that she’s not here. But the boys know best, and when I can, I follow their lead.

I might be stubborn as hell, but I’m not stupid. I’ve learned from my mistakes. I’m not looking to get shot again. That was a whole lot of bullshit that I don’t plan on reliving anytime soon.

We make it to the house and I stare up at the grand entrance in awe. How is it that places like this have existed all my life while I’ve lived in shitty foster homes with no electricity, moldy food, and a bad smell? I still find it hard to believe that I belong in this world. It doesn’t feel right, but somehow it is.

Just as Cruz enters the code for the house, we all hold our breath, waiting for an alarm to go off. Carver and Grayson show up and join us just as the door unlocks, and as a goofy, smug grin rips across Cruz’s face, relief slams through my chest.

He pushes the door wide. “After you,” he says, dramatically waving me through the big door.

I walk in and instantly stop, making the guys step around me as I stare up at all the beauty. There are high ceilings and everything is marble. It looks like something right out of a movie. It’s insane. I feel as though I need to walk with my hands tied behind my back just in case I break something that I’ll never be able to replace. Though … technically it’s all mine. At least, I think it is.

“Let’s make this quick,” Carver says. “I’m going to start upstairs.”

Just like that, the boys all go separate ways to look for information, and I’m left with Cruz dragging me through the lower portion of the house, showing off everything as we go. His fingers brush over every wall, and just when I’m about to ask why the fuck he’s touching everything, I realize that he’s searching for hidden walls or little secret rooms like my home back in Ravenwood Heights.

Cruz leads me into a study and it takes us no time to realize that this is the room we’ve been looking for, giving us all the proof we need to confirm that she has in fact been living here.

There are shelves filled with folders and paperwork, a desk scattered with random things, USB sticks, and a laptop which Cruz instantly takes and slides into a backpack. I drop down onto the desk chair and start pulling out drawers, looking for anything that ties her to any of the heads of Dynasty.

I get nothing and quickly move onto the drawers of the small table that sits behind the desk. The first drawer is locked and I jiggle it for a second, desperate to get it open. After a quick scan of the room, I realize that searching for a key in this massive house is going to be a whole new task that nobody has the time for. So instead, I bring my foot up in a sweeping kick, and slam that motherfucker right into next year.

The lock breaks and I dive for the drawer, yanking it out to find at least fifteen different passports and driver’s licenses, all with London’s face on them. Only in each one the names are different and her hairstyles are slightly changed.

They pull at something within me, memories that I’d long tried to forget. The woman who lived down the street when I was eight, the woman who worked at the grocery store when I was ten, my substitute teacher at twelve.

What the ever-loving fuck?

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