Deviant (Boys of Winter #3) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,66

you? Why can’t you just stay here and do what you’re told for once?”

I lean forward into the front, not appreciating the tone he’s taking with me, and while I can easily use the ‘leader of Dynasty’ card, I take another direction. “Because this is my home. This is my mother, and this is my history. That house right there is the place where my father was murdered, and if I were to sit back here, twiddling my thumbs like a useless piece of shit, I’d go insane. I need to be in there. I need to see that house, and I need to put this bullshit to rest. So, the question isn’t when will I start behaving like a good little soldier, it’s when will you start believing that I’m not a fragile little princess who needs your constant supervision? I got by eighteen years on my own, and believe it or not, I don’t need you guys always up my ass making sure I don’t trip and fall.”

King, Cruz, and Carver all scoff as Grayson watches me for a long, drawn-out moment, deep in thought before finally letting out a breath. “Fine, but you stay with one of us at all times.”

Carver groans. “Seriously?” he mutters, glancing at Grayson. “She gives you one guilt-ridden speech about her feelings and you cave like a little bitch? You know just as well as the rest of us that she needs constant supervision, more so now than ever before.”

“Hey,” I snap, resenting his comments only to get ignored.

Grayson glares back at Carver. “You don’t think I know that?” he growls. “But consider our options. You know she’s right. The second she gets a chance, she’s going to make a break for it and storm through that house like a little fucking wrecking ball. It’s better for us to control the damage than letting it run free and fuck up everything in the process. Besides, no matter how much you disagree, she deserves to see this home. Two birds. One fucking stone.”

I resist rolling my eyes. I hate how they treat me with kid gloves, like I’m some wild caged bird who’s desperate to fly. If they would just give me a little trust and a little freedom, they’d see I have my shit together. I can handle this.

Carver lets out a sigh, and without another word, hits the gas and drives his Escalade off the road and into the trees of the mountains, keeping his car concealed just in case London is inside. All it would take is one quick glance out the window and she would have seen us stopped outside the front gates. Who knows, maybe we’ve already fucked up the mission.

Carver instantly gets out and hurries around to the back before yanking open the door and grabbing a few things. Grayson meets him around back before looking through to Cruz and King. “Fifteen minutes,” he reminds them.

They both nod, and I watch as not a second later, the boys disappear into the trees.

The minutes tick by painfully slow, and I find myself looking up at the ginormous house as King and Cruz get themselves organized while also checking the property for heat signatures.

“Nothing,” Cruz says after a few minutes, looking slightly pissed about the outcome. “The house is empty. The only heat signals I’m getting are from Gray and Carver. We’re good to go in.”

King nods. “So, I guess that means Carver didn’t get mauled by a mountain lion.”

“Not today,” Cruz mutters under his breath.

“So, what now?” I ask, jumping down from the open door of the Escalade and stepping out into the road.

Cruz comes to stand by me on the road before slipping a gun into the back of my jeans and pressing a knife into my hand just in case. “Now, we go in and hope we find a bit of information that tells us a little more about who she’s been working with and how she got away with this for so long.”

“Why do you sound so disappointed?”

Cruz’s lips press into a hard line. “Because I was hoping this would be the end of it. I hoped she’d be home and that we’d get the drop on her. I hate not knowing when she might show back up in your life and attack. Who knows? She could come back to haunt you next week or it could be next year. No one knows, and that scares the shit out of me.”

I take Cruz’s hand, lacing Copyright 2016 - 2024