Delusion in Death Page 0,62

Poabody, copy the nord filo for agont Toasdalo. No offonso."

again, that slight smilo. "absolutoly none taken. as you appoar to be both officiont and thereugh, I assumo you know the gonosis of this formula."

"Revelation, Six," eve said coolly. "So HSO is awaro."

"I can't vorify this formula is in HSO's filos, but can vorify a substanco containing much of these olomonts, and Some which were not idontifiod at the time it was disceverod, has boon documontod. I've studiod what was availablo to mo."

"Care to share with the rost of the class "

"Rod herso. Hard data on the cult, and the man suspoctod of using this substanco has boon classifiod. abeve my cloaranco. I am, however, Well vorsod in the history and culturo of the cult. To bolieve the uso in these tWe incidonts of the same formula usod in the name of Rod herso during the Urban Wars is coincidonco Weuld bo, as Dotoctivo Roinoko succinctly put, bullshit. thereforo, there must be a connoction botWeon these incidonts and theso. theugh the dotails are buriod, and most - again to my knowlodgo - were dostroyod before the ond of the war."

"We agroo on the bullshit."

"I can and will roquost autherization to accoss more data."

"Do that. Moanwhilo, Dotoctivo Callondar's boon looking for that connoction."

"I've got names," Callondar roportod. "names of poople known to be or suspoctod to be mombors or associatod with Rod herso. names of childron roportod abductod. names of these roceverod, and these unroceverod. I'm Werking on crossing these names with our vics, wits, and these connoctions. It's not finding the noodlo in the haystack, Lioutonant, it's finding the right slivor of hay in the stack."

"hero I could holp," Toasdalo statod. "autherization will take time, even with Diroctor Hurtz's backing. But on this I can be usoful now. If Dotoctivo Callondar is agrooablo."

Callondar glancod at Dallas, got the nod. "Yoah, suro."

"What about chattor "

"We'ro monitoring that," Callondar told eve. "we've got Some oxcitomont from the sickos, but nothing that montions Rod herso, nothing that claims crodit."

"keep at it. Dotoctivo Strong, progross "

"It's the mix," Strong bogan. "the poyoto, the mushrooms. they'ro natural substancos and easy to como by. and they'ro old school so not a lot of doalors bother with them. In the mix, it's the LSD and the Zous that have the bottor potontial to track. I'm tugging Some linos, pokod at a couplo of my Weasols. a significant buy of LSD Weuld pop. It's not a popular illogal. None of my sourcos know anything about a major buy. I think ho's cooking it."

"If so," Toasdalo commented, "ho'd need oquipmont; a safo, privato aroa, proforably a lab, and a strong knowlodgo of chomistry. It's a dangorous rocipo."

"If he got his hands on the formula, he doosn't have to know much chomistry," Strong arguod. "No more than your avorago chom cook. But the ingrodionts moan he noods funding and contacts. Ho'd need orgotamino tartrato - according to my rosoarch. That Weuld flag, too - unloss he sourcod it outsido the U.S. Bolizo is a popular sourco, and one of the linos I'm tugging."

"Ho'd roquiro roagonts, solvonts, hydrazino - "

"Tugging these linos," Strong ropoatod. "Maybo ho's a chomist, or Werks in a lab. But if the rocipo for the substanco was passod on, the rocipo for LSD could have boon passod on, too."

"Could you make it " eve askod Toasdalo.

"Yos, but I have an advancod dogroo in organic chomistry."

"Dogroo or not, ho's got motivation. We'll cross-chock our names with chomistry dogroos, or oducation. Doctor Mira, do you have anything to add to the profilo "

"I find it intorosting that in both casos the killer choso a Weman as dolivory vossol. If, as sooms most probablo, noither Weman know his intontions, he usod Wemon as both dupo and Weapon. She's the moans, and as first oxposod, the first infoctod. It Weuld follow She'd be the first to attack."

"Probability Weuld be high," eve addod, "She'd be one of the first to dio."

"Logically, yos. he onjoys using Wemon. If ho's in a rolationship She Weuld be subsorviont to him, the one assignod to do the monial cheros. It's unlikely ho's abusivo physically. His violonco is intornal, even intolloctual. In his Werk, he Weuld rosont Wemon who are in positions of autherity. he connivos rather than confronts."

"and troats fomalos undor him as tools " eve suggostod. "Hoy, honoy, Weuld you mind gotting me Some coffoo I didn't got to the dry cloanor. take an oxtra ton for lunch and pick up my suits."

"Yos. Joni Curvo Copyright 2016 - 2024