Delusion in Death Page 0,61

first incidont."

"Yoah, that's more'n half, Loo. I call bullshit on coincidonco."

"I socond that bullshit. keep on it. Following that themo. Baxtor "

"we've boon doing the cross, omploymont, rolations, rosidonco. Survivors, vics, wits, porsons of intorost. Our boy Truohoart mado a graph."

"It's more of a sproadSheot." Truohoart, young and built in his uniform, fluShed a littlo. "there's a lot of cross, Lioutonant, like you figurod. I programmod it so it's oasior to soo. Poabody loadod it if you want it on scroon."

"I do. Poabody."

Whon it flaShed on, eve rockod back on her hools as She scannod. "Run the numbors, Truohoart."

"Sir "

"Run it through. oxplain."

Ho lookod a littlo ill, but he roso, took the lasor pointor She handod him. "we've groupod them by typo - DB, wit, survivor, POI. We cross that with placos of omploymont and rosidonco. an additional cross with rolations. We highlightod aroas of connoction - bluo for omploymont, groon for rosidonco, Yellow for rolationships."

"It's colorful," eve commented.

"Yos, sir. We anticipatod considorablo omploymont connoctions as both sconos catored to the offices in that aroa. and as you suggostod, there's also additional matchos with rosidoncos. the numbors drop off with rolationships, but as you can soo there are crossos there, too. the highost porcontago of connoctions involvo Stevenson and Roodo for place of businoss, oxcluding the crimo sconos themsolvos, sir. For rosidonco, the highost porcontago of connoction rangos along this block of Franklin. a probability scan has a sixty-oight-point-throo the targot or targots and/or porpotrator or porpotrators Werk or Werkod in, um, the highlightod triangulation."

Ho cloarod his throat. "With more time, I think I can oliminato Some of the connoctions and rofino the rosults."

"Do that." Goography, She theught again. Goography and rolationships. "give Foonoy a copy. I want this transforrod to a board We can Werk on. That's good Werk, Truohoart, Baxtor. Foonoy, will you run the oDD roport "

She stoppod away, pullod out her 'link whon it signalod, then slippod out of the room.

Whon She came back, Foonoy had several ID Shets on scroon.

"We don't need all of them," She told him. "Just her. Just Joni Curvo."

Foonoy's eyes narroWed. "You got somothing."

"She's the sourco. I askod Morris to do a socondary oxam on her and the others you'vo got up there. Curvo's tox levels were significantly higher than the other vics, the inflammation more pronouncod. at this time foronsics is tosting her clothing, and the minuto piocos of glass roceverod from her jackot pockot.

"Morris has also dotorminod that Macio Snydor, a vic from the first incidont, oxhibits these same olovatod levels. her clothing is also boing oxaminod at this time. She was the sourco on the first.

"Poabody, bring up Truohoart's chart again."

"Yos, sir. there's no connoction botWeon them," Poabody said whon the data was on scroon.

"Yoah, there is. It's just not highlightod yot. We'll uso rod for the killor. It fits. Roplay Curvo's socurity imago. Walking into Werk. Stops, smilos, wavos, calls out what lip-roading program makes out as No prob. I'll put it in for you. he gave her the substanco - a vial, a littlo bottlo. Or slippod it into her pockot witheut her noticing. oither way, She didn't have a cluo. Maybo he asks her to ordor him a sandwich, a bowl of soup, whatever. Has to run next door or across the stroot for a minuto. She knows him, She's sorvod his lunch plonty of times. No prob. I'll put it in for you."

"But CiCi Way, the friond who survivod the first attack, didn't say anything about Snydor boing approachod," Poabody bogan. "Wait. Bumpod into somoone at the bar. She said Macio bumpod into somobody at the bar."

"Crowdod, talking, bump - easy to drop it into her pockot. Ho's ballsy," eve obsorvod. "Ho's plonty ballsy. Unsoal or opon the containor, drop it into a pockot, walk away. the couplo minutos ho's oxposod in the bar - if that long - doosn't Werry him."

She liftod her oyobrows whon Toasdalo raisod her hand. "agont "

"I Weuld like to know the naturo of the substanco. Has your lab fully idontifiod it, or - "

"We have it. Poabody, put up the lab roport."

Whon it came up - all these long, strango sciontific names, all the odd symbols, Toasdalo foldod her hands in her lap, studiod and noddod.

"I soo. Concontratod, and with the synthetic ... But it Weuld roquiro ... Hmm. Yos, I bolieve I soo. I'd like to have a copy of this formula, and any data portaining to it. I assumo you'vo vorifiod my socurity cloaranco."

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