Deadly Coincidence (Brantley Walker Off the Books #4) - Nicole Edwards Page 0,65

only way he knew how. He lied. “Nothin’ that wasn’t already wrong. I’d appreciate if you could get over here. We’ve got a crime scene to process.”

“What do you mean a crime scene?”

“I don’t have time to explain, Trey. Get your ass over to JJ’s.”

“At least tell me she’s all right,” Trey demanded.

“Yes. Shit. Sorry. She’s fine.” Not to mention, gone. “Can you put a rush on it?”

“Give me fifteen.”

“Better make it five or the sheriff’s likely to get here first,” Brantley told his brother before disconnecting the call.

He immediately dialed Baz’s number. No surprise, the guy didn’t answer.

Reese strolled out from the side of the house. “I didn’t see any unusual tracks back there, but— What’s wrong?”

“Baz just hauled ass outta here,” he said on a huff. “With JJ.”

Reese peered down the street, as though that might give him insight, maybe? “Did you try callin’ him?”

Rather than answer, Brantley gave him the do you think I’m an idiot? stare.

“And did he answer?” Reese drawled, clearly irritated by the look.

“No. You talk to the sheriff?”

“I did. He’s on his way. I told him to bring only his most trusted deputy for now. We don’t need this to leak before we know what we’re dealin’ with.”

“Good call.” Brantley only wished he did know what they were dealing with.

There were simply too many avenues to pursue and not nearly enough evidence. Especially considering Dante was the governor’s son, which made him high-profile. His first thought was that this was a kidnap and ransom. It was the most logical conclusion.

On the other hand, the scene inside JJ’s was a bit dramatic for that. What was with all the blood? And why tear up JJ’s place? It felt personal to him and most K and Rs weren’t.

He glanced around the yard, the driveway. “Why’d Dante come here?” he mused aloud. “Why’d he involve JJ? If he was comin’ to her for help, I have to assume someone followed him here. Which means, by callin’ her, he led them right to her door.”

“Good point. Maybe he didn’t know they were on to him, and he thought she’d be able to help.”

“Yeah. Maybe. But surely he knew he was in danger. JJ said he was panicked. Why the fuck would he involve her?”

That was what pissed Brantley off the most. Fucking Dante. He could’ve reached out to Brantley for help. The fool did not need to drag JJ into this.

Then again, Dante never was the brightest bulb. He tended to leap before he thought, and this time was obviously no different.

“Come on. Let’s go inside and have a look around before the sheriff gets here.” He pulled another pair of gloves out of one of his many pockets, passed them to Reese.

Reese fell into step with him as they returned to the house.

“I’d bet Dante called her because she’s probably the only one he knows who wouldn’t tell him to get fucked,” Reese said, closing the front door and blocking out the bright light.

Brantley chuckled. “Yeah, probably. Although she’s the first one who should.”

It was no secret that Brantley didn’t care for Dante. Not even a little. They weren’t friends, and Brantley had no qualms making that fact known. However, he had a sworn duty to his position on the task force to uphold the law and to protect the governor’s best interest. Although the relationship between father and son was strained, Brantley knew Governor Greenwood wouldn’t want any harm to come to his son.

Then again, unbeknownst to everyone, the task force wouldn’t exist come Monday, so did he really have any loyalties there?

“Did you get ahold of Charlie?” Brantley asked, careful not to disturb anything more than he had to as he pulled out his phone and began snapping pictures.

“I did, yeah. She’s on her way.” Reese moved when he did. “The sheriff’s gonna want to talk to JJ.”

“He’s got every right to want to. Doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen.” He glanced over at his partner. “She doesn’t know anything.”

“Doesn’t matter. She was the last to see Dante, and her house is covered in blood.”

“Blood that belongs to Dante,” he conceded.

“Yes. Although we don’t know that for a fact. Could be some of that blood belongs to whoever’s got Dante. Maybe there was a fight. We don’t know anything at this point.”

Brantley stared at Reese, wishing the man wasn’t always so rational. At the moment, he was considering praising Baz for getting JJ away from all this shit. Although he’d told her she wouldn’t go Copyright 2016 - 2024