Deadly Coincidence (Brantley Walker Off the Books #4) - Nicole Edwards Page 0,64

Not with another woman’s vagina, thank you very much. However, he’d become the perfect patsy when she’d hit a roadblock during her attempt to seduce Dante Greenwood.

Juliet wouldn’t say it’d been luck that had brought Dante to her attention. No, that was due to an incredible amount of research into the life of Travis Walker. Through myriad connections to various people, Juliet had lucked out in finding the one she thought would be the perfect target. When she had learned that Travis Walker’s cousin was the one who had found Kate and forced Juliet to run, she’d looked more into him. It was then she learned that the governor of Texas had created a task force and put Brantley Walker in charge of it.

Meaning there was a connection between Travis Walker and the governor, and that was an avenue she found far too intriguing to ignore.

She’d reached out to the governor’s son, Dante, via an online dating profile he’d created, which was rather bleak if you asked her. The guy honestly had nothing much going for him except for material things. Not that Juliet cared. She wasn’t looking for love or romance, nor had she been when she came across him.

Unfortunately, the man was far too wrapped up in himself to be of much use to her. When she had attempted to get details about his past, he’d shut down real quick, fostering more discussions about sex in order to find out what her various fetishes might be. And since the only reason she’d made the connection was to get dirt on Travis Walker and those he associated with, and Dante wasn’t willing to dish, she decided not to waste her time.

Granted, striking up a conversation with the Marcus guy had been pure coincidence. Or luck, either way. She’d been making one last-ditch effort to connect with Dante when she got a response from this guy.

Based on the few text conversations they’d had, she was pretty sure he was batshit crazy, but Juliet figured that could certainly work in her favor. When he mentioned a plan to extort money from the governor of Texas, she’d thought he was delusional. Nope. He wasn’t. They had in fact concocted a fake kidnapping scheme that they were hoping would net them a million dollars.

What was amusing was the fact Marcus actually thought a million dollars was enough to incentivize her to screw him.

In that he was delusional.

But she couldn’t write Marcus off just yet. When he had informed her they were using Dante’s ex-girlfriend—Jessica James, also an acquaintance of Travis Walker—in their plan, she knew she’d hit gold.

Well, a little bit of the credit had to go to Samuel Aldering, a man who Juliet had gotten acquainted with a couple of months back. He happened to be a computer genius and quite the hacker to boot. Getting him to assist had required some effort on her part. But who was she if not dedicated?

Fucking the man so she had something to hold over him had been relatively easy. Being that he was married with four kids and didn’t wish to have his wife find out he was a lying, cheating bastard, he had gladly given Juliet the access she requested.

Which was how she’d ended up sitting here watching the scene at Jessica James’s house play out. It was disappointing that two of the cameras weren’t working, so she was restricted to only seeing what was going on in the front yard, but it was getting interesting. She’d just watched one man whisk Jessica away while Brantley Walker, the Navy SEAL who had spoiled her plans in Mississippi, and his partner, whose name she still did not know, did a cursory search around the house.

“Come on. It’s time to go back inside,” Juliet whispered to the men on screen. “Don’t you want to take one more look?”

Juliet peered up at the clock on the screen. She had set a timer to count down based on what Marcus had told her. When it reached the sixty-minute mark, she intended to send a text that would set everything in motion. By the end of today, she would be home free, and her plan to end Travis Walker once and for all would be a success.

“Not long now,” she muttered at the screen.

Not long at all.

Chapter Fifteen

“What the fuck!” Brantley exclaimed, watching Baz’s truck disappear down the street.

“Somethin’ wrong?”

Turning his attention back to the man on the other end of the phone, Brantley answered his brother the Copyright 2016 - 2024