The Darkest Knight (Guardians of Camelot #3) - Victoria Sue Page 0,29

nodded to the door. “There is the cot next to the office if you need to lie down.”

Charles scrubbed a hand over his tired eyes. He was weary but knew he wouldn’t sleep, or was it that suddenly he didn’t trust his sleep?

What if they took him away? What if he was removed because he hadn’t obeyed? That he had failed.

“Can you be brave?”

He had been, surely, or was he showing his true worth? Was he ignoring the pull not because he was afraid for Kay, or afraid for himself? He stood and stumbled a little. Maybe he ought to lie down? Gawain’s hand shot out to steady him, and he caught Gawain’s concerned glance but didn’t dare look at Mel.

“I think you need some rest,” Gawain stressed again and walked to the office with Charles meekly following. Gawain encouraged him to lie down on the cot, covered him with a blanket, and closed the door behind him.

Charles expected to have to give in to sleep right away, but he simply dozed. Aware of the voices from the house as time passed. Aware of a motorbike’s engine, the sound of swords striking each other, and eventually the sound of the door opening and closing. He forced his eyes open, feeling as tired as when he had just lain down and met Kay’s brown eyes.

He sat up, immediately noticing Kay was dressed. There was a small window showing the sun setting. Charles shook his head. How could he have been in here nearly all day but hadn’t seemed to rest?

“Gawain looked in on you a couple of times, but you were asleep.”

Charles frowned, a contradiction on his lips, and noticed the two bottles of untouched water on the small table next to the cot that hadn’t been there when he came in.

He focused on Kay. Stiff, formal, closed off, and he suddenly longed for the Kay from two days ago. The soft, willing one. The one he’d held in his arms.

The one he’d thrown away.

“You can stay here if you like.”

Charles kept his gaze on him. He was sure Kay was saying that out of some sort of pity, not of genuine need. Charles stood, and weakness washed over him. He stayed upright by sheer force of will. “I will accompany you.” Not giving Kay a chance to answer, he managed to get to the bathroom. When he’d finished, he washed his hands almost absently, then glanced up at the small mirror above the sink.

He looked like crap. There, was that modern-day speech enough for Mel? Charles took in the tired lines around his eyes and mouth and the sallowness of his skin. He needed to eat. He hadn’t drunk anything all day either. He reached in the cupboard underneath for a spare toothbrush and felt much better after, but as he dried his face, he was sure he had extra gray in his hair and beard.

Kay must be blind. How could he possibly find such an old man attractive? And why did the ones who sent him not make him more…vital, he supposed. Not that he’d ever noticed it before. Even around Mel and Tom he’d never felt old. Now he just felt washed-up.

And he needed some fresh clothes. Not only would Kay’s be too small, they were too—he smiled—designer? He was still smiling as he heard the knock on the door and opened it eagerly, hoping it was Kay.

It was Gawain. He reached out with a pile of clothes. “I know you don’t have anything with you, and we have to be about the same size.”

“Thank you.” Charles was touched, and he went back into the bathroom and changed. He could hear voices in the kitchen, and he opened the door and took a slow breath. If Lance actually asked him a second time, he would have to leave, but everything in him urged him to stay close to Kay.

The knights all looked up as he entered. Lance was speaking, but he didn’t stop because Charles was there. “Ali’s not going out tonight. I spoke to her an hour ago, and she asked for more time.”

Kay shook his head. “As did I. I offered to speak to Roxy some more, but it is difficult as you can imagine. Roxy got up this morning and announced she was going home, and I think they had their first fight. Ali managed to point out it was dangerous, but I don’t think the reasoning will stand forever.”

Mel snorted. “I think we are Copyright 2016 - 2024