Dark Obsession (Vampire Royals of New York #3) - Sarah Piper Page 0,66

trailed off, then shook his head. “Nyet. It can’t be done.”

Can’t be done without the blade.

That’s what he was going to say before he thought better of it. Charley knew it, deep in her bones.

“So that’s it? There’s no hope? No way to contact him?” She lowered her eyes, playing every bit the naive human Rogozin wanted to see.

“Even if it could be done, he doesn’t like to come. Summoning him binds him to vessel. It is too dangerous. He…” Rogozin sighed, then said, “I am sorry for your plight, Ms. D’Amico. But things could be worse, no? I’m sure Lord Azerius will show you every kindness.”

At this, the other demons laughed again.

Lord Azerius will be too busy dealing with my boot in his ass.

“Thank you for your honesty, Mr. Rogozin,” she said, sensing she’d reached her limit on gathering Azerius intel before they got suspicious.

Rogozin asked her if she’d like to take a moment to collect herself in the ladies’ room, but Charley shook her head.

Her whole life, men had been making deals on her behalf. Her own father had bargained away her soul. Travis had taken him from her. Rudy had been manipulating her ever since.

Now, it was Charley’s turn to make the deal. That’s what she’d come here for. And she wouldn’t leave this fucking table until she’d seen it through.

“I feel like we got a bit off track,” she said, leaving the naive little human behind and stepping back into the role of chief negotiator. “I’m here to discuss a potential partnership between your organization and House Redthorne. It’s obviously no surprise to you that Rudy is planning to double-cross you. But what may come as a surprise is the fact that the object you seek is in fact in Dorian’s possession, and he is willing to sell it to you directly for half of Rudy’s price.”

Rogozin’s poker face was in full effect, but Charley could sense the shift of energy in the room, the greed and anticipation gathering among the demons like a storm.

She opened her laptop again, then pulled up the photos she’d taken on her phone when she’d first inspected the Mother of Lost Souls, right before she’d smashed it.

All of them gasped.

So much for poker faces, assholes.

“The Mother of Lost Souls has been secured at an out-of-state location,” she lied, “pending the outcome of our negotiations. In addition to the sale, House Redthorne is extending another offer—a seat on the King’s council, which will be reconvened shortly. It’s important to Dorian that all supernaturals are included, and he feels your organization can best represent the interests of the demons in our community.”

Rogozin folded his arms across his chest and narrowed his eyes, his suspicion growing. “Why would vampire king offer this honor to me, and not to Nikolai Chernikov?”

“Because.” Charley shut her laptop flashed a wide smile. “We need your help killing Nikolai Chernikov.”

In the stunned silence that followed, the wait staff finally delivered the meal, and as the demons shoveled in their ham and cheese crêpes and tuna niçoise salad, Charley took polite nibbles of her food and shared what she knew of Chernikov’s plans and the allies he’d already amassed. This time, there were no spreadsheets, no photos, nothing but the story Isabelle had told them and the pieces of the puzzle she and the others had cobbled together.

But Rogozin believed her. She saw the suspicion slowly leave his eyes, replaced instead with something that utterly shocked her.


“We are working on a plan,” she continued, pressing her advantage, “but would like to know we can count on you when the time comes. Once the threat from Chernikov is neutralized, Dorian will happily conclude the transaction—with a few caveats, of course.”

Rogozin folded his napkin and set it on his plate, eyeing her warily. “Caveats?”

“We know it’s not the sculpture you’re after, Mr. Rogozin. It’s what’s hidden inside.” Charley held up her hand to cut off a string of sputtering denials. “Dorian understands it’s a piece of cultural significance to you, particularly given your connection to Azerius. That’s why he’s willing to part with it. But you must agree not to use the blade on humans. I understand this may be part of its appeal, but as the ruling body over all supernaturals, House Redthorne is responsible for ensuring the safety of the humans who live amongst you. As such, he can’t allow you to take shortcuts that would violate the existing Accords. Demons have other ways of making deals—consensual deals. Using

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