Dark Obsession (Vampire Royals of New York #3) - Sarah Piper Page 0,67

the blade on humans would constitute a breach of contract as well as a breach of trust. And trust me, Mr. Rogozin. The Royal Redthornes are not a family you want to cross.”

Rogozin glared at her, scrutinizing every word for the lies within.

But Charley held firm, refusing to look away. Other than the little fib about the sculpture’s location, she’d spoken the truth—about her uncle and Estas. About Chernikov. About the deal Dorian was offering.

She’d done what she could. Now, it was up to Rogozin.

“I’ll give you gentlemen a moment to discuss this in private.” She rose from her chair, but before she stepped away, Rogozin spoke.

“No need for moment,” he said.

Charley held her breath, her heartbeat crashing against her ribs.

And then, after an agonizing eternity, Alexei Rogozin finally said the words she’d been longing to hear from the moment she’d first suggested this crazy-ass plan in Dorian’s study last night.

“Tell vampire king Alexei Rogozin accepts proposal.” He smiled at her—the first real one he’d offered—then gestured for her to reclaim her chair. “Now you must enjoy food. You eat like bird. Is not healthy.”

Charley laughed, happy to accept the invitation.

After brunch, Rogozin escorted her back out into the main restaurant. As they awaited the elevator, he said, “So tell me, what are we to do about my two traitors?”

“I won’t presume to tell you how to run your organization, Mr. Rogozin,” she said. “But I would like to deal with my uncle directly. We have some unresolved… family matters to settle. Once that’s done, I assure you, he won’t cause you any more trouble.”

An understanding smile spread across his face, and he reached out and touched her shoulder. “You are formidable woman, Ms. D’Amico. I understand why vampire king is so taken with you.”

“I’ll take it as a compliment.”

“As it was meant.” He gave her shoulder a friendly squeeze, then released her. “Tell him I look forward to hearing from him whenever time is right. We will be waiting.”

The elevator arrived, and she stepped inside, turning around to meet his eyes once more.

“Forgive my presumption,” he said, placing his hand against the doors to hold them open, “but if I may give you a word of advice?”

“Of course.”

“As demon in hell, I saw many, many wars. Many deaths. As demon on earth, I have seen many, many wars. Many deaths. I know your father was great loss to you. But revenge… It does not fill hole inside you. It only leads to more holes.” He shook his head, lost for a moment in his own thoughts. Then, glancing at her once more with a look she could only describe as pity, “Mourn your father, Ms. D’Amico. Avenge him if you must. But then? Let it go. Live your life. Enjoy time you have left, before…”

He trailed off and finally released the doors, smiling once more before turning away.

As the doors slid closed and the elevator began its descent, the unsaid words echoed through her soul.

Before Azerius comes to claim you.

Chapter Twenty-Four

“Is there nothing you can’t do, Charlotte D’Amico?”

Safely back in his bedroom at Ravenswood, Dorian cupped his woman’s face and stared into her eyes, still trying to process everything she’d told him about the meeting.

While he’d been crawling the walls of a nearby restaurant, hoping for the best but fearing the worst, she’d been dining with demons, altering the course of Dorian’s life. Of all their lives.

He’d been bloody terrified the entire time, cursing himself for allowing her to go through with it. Cursing himself for not turning her into a vampire when she’d asked, certain he’d left her weak and vulnerable. In those terrible hours, he told himself he’d finally do it—he’d turn her the moment they returned to Ravenswood, if only to give her that elusive advantage over all the enemies who might otherwise harm her.

But then, just when he was ready to storm into that hotel and steal her from the demonic clutches he was so certain had trapped her, she’d returned to him.

Safe. Whole. Overwhelmed, but relieved.

She’d done it. She’d succeeded in securing the deal.

Yes, there were details to work out and formalize. And no, they had no guarantees Rogozin wouldn’t fuck them as swiftly and thoroughly as Chernikov had.

But Charlotte had gone head-to-head with a powerful demon crew with little more than a laptop and a prayer, and she’d accomplished exactly what she’d set out to do.

Dorian had never been more proud of anyone as he’d been in that moment.

And in that moment he

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