Dark Nights - By Christine Feehan Page 0,75

indicative of planning. Someone out there is definitely orchestrating a major battle.”

“I believe that to be the case as well. I was severely wounded after one of the battles, and they found my resting place. Instead of killing me, they decided to use my blood and continue searching. Joie, Jubal, and Gabrielle found me. Joie killed one of the vampires.”

Gabrielle stirred as if she might give her brother credit as well, but Jubal laid a restraining hand on her arm and she closed her mouth.

“Sort of,” Joie corrected when Gary looked at her with admiration. “The darn thing fried my favorite knife. Traian had to incinerate it before it was really gone.” He knows a lot, don’t you think, for someone human?

Few humans are trusted with the knowledge he has of our people. He must be much respected for Mikhail to send him to me.

“How did you get involved with all of this?” Gabrielle asked Gary curiously.

He looked sheepish. “I’m embarrassed to admit I developed a compound to paralyze the system of Carpathians, thinking, of course, they were vampires. The compound was twisted into a poison and used to torture and dissect whomever the human society of vampire hunters deemed one of the undead. When I tried to expose them and rescue one of their victims, I met Gregori.”

“What’s he like?” Gabrielle asked curiously. “You must have been shocked.”

He shrugged. “I can’t describe Gregori or what meeting him was like, but it changed my life. The society would like to see me dead, so as a protection, Gregori brought me here to help with research. I like it here and have developed strong friendships, so I stay.”

Who is Gregori? There was so much respect in Gary’s voice, Joie was curious.

He is second in command to the prince—his guardian and the one tasked with keeping him alive. He is a great hunter and healer. His lifemate is the daughter of the prince.

Joie looked up at Traian. “I can see the Carpathians have a complex society. Why didn’t we know of its existence until now?”

“We take great care to blend in to the human world. It has been our way for centuries and has worked well for us. Unfortunately, our race is on the verge of extinction.” Traian gathered Joie to him. “Without lifemates, we will not survive.”

“Lifemates?” Jubal echoed. “You said Joie was your lifemate before, what does that mean?”

“We mate for life. Once a male finds the woman who is his other half, he binds her to him, as you do with a marriage ceremony. If she is a human and does not live fully in our world, it can be very difficult. Lifemates cannot be parted for long periods of time. We have a strong telepathic link and must touch each other’s minds frequently or one begins to grieve for the other. As Carpathians cannot walk fully in the human world, it is usually best for the human to walk in our world,” Traian explained.

Jubal and Gabrielle exchanged a long, apprehensive look.

“What exactly does that entail?” Jubal asked suspiciously.

“Jubal—” Joie protested.

“No, Joie, I want to know what he’s talking about.” Jubal didn’t look at his sister but rather at Traian. Man to man. Expecting an answer. Demanding one.

“Joie has consented to come fully into my world, Jubal,” Traian said, his voice low and without inflection. “I will protect her and watch over her and see to her happiness at all times. The conversion will not take her from your family. She would never be happy apart from you. I hope you and your sister and your parents will be able to accept me into your world, and your family, in the way I know my people will accept Joie into mine.”

Jubal swore softly and turned away from them to stare out into the night. “Joie, did you think this through? Do you know what he’s asking of you?”

Joie went to her brother, and put her arms around him. “I’ve never felt as if I truly belonged, Jubal. I accepted that I was different, and yes, I’ve been happy because I like the work I do and I love my family dearly, but I want more than that. Traian offered me more, and I grabbed the opportunity with both hands.”

“Do you hear what he’s saying to you? This isn’t like a human marriage, Joie, where you can walk away if things don’t work out.”

Traian stood beside Joie, his fingers laced with hers. “Lifemates not only want to be together, Jubal,

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