Dark Nights - By Christine Feehan Page 0,74

had to say,” Traian said. “I have never exchanged blood with the prince and do not have a private telepathic link. I believed the news of vampires banding together was far too sensitive for them to know I was passing the information to our prince. I wanted to keep the news as confidential as possible until we had time to assess things.”

Gary nodded. “Unfortunately, I fear things are going to get worse before they get better.”

“Where is Mikhail’s second in command? Why is he not guarding our prince? Our people cannot afford the loss of our prince and his lifemate. I do not like the fact that the undead dare to gather so close to our homeland.”

“Gregori is in the United States but will be returning soon. Falcon and Jacques stay close to Mikhail, although he doesn’t like it. He says he is quite capable of defending himself.”

“Perhaps it is so, but a master vampire is too powerful for any experienced hunter to take on alone and if they are banding together, even the prince and Gregori are in danger. He has not had to deal with so many of them because they spread out to other countries to grow in power and keep from being brought to justice by a hunter,” Traian objected, an edge to his voice.

Gary shrugged. “I’m afraid I don’t know much about master vampires. I’ve had a little experience with the undead and have found them difficult to kill. I, of course, go armed at all times and have developed a few weapons more suited to a human defense against them.”

“You might share your discoveries with Joie, Gabrielle, and Jubal,” Traian suggested. “No doubt they will be exposed again to the undead if they stay in this area long.”

His gaze rested on Joie. Had she changed her mind about coming fully into his world? He should have disclosed that the possibility of losing children was very high. He’d discussed Carpathian history with her and had revealed the lack of women and children, but he hadn’t actually told her what the reality would be.

Joie sent him a reassuring smile, one fist bunching in the back of his shirt, joining them together. I’m not going anywhere, Traian. If you and the rest of your people have to face the problem and look for solutions, I can too. And Gabrielle wasn’t just talking. She’s very good at what she does. She might be able to help Gary if he’s really doing what he says.

Traian turned toward her, unable to help himself, sweeping her under his shoulder. “I was on my way back in answer to the prince’s summons when I was attacked by a group of the undead. I killed two of them, but was wounded. They dogged my heels for weeks, nipping at me, wounding me and retreating. Vampires have too big of egos to get along, yet the fight was coordinated. After I killed a couple of them, I expected them to leave, but instead, they redoubled their efforts, attacking and running, but never allowing me to rest. First one master and his followers would attack and then the next. The third, the one I believe pulling the strings, never showed himself to me, but I felt him and he was very powerful.”

Worry crossed Gary’s face. “You’re right. That’s very unusual behavior. I’ve never heard of it either in all the time I’ve been with Gregori and Mikhail.”

Traian was astonished that a human was so trusted that Gregori, guardian to the prince of the Carpathian people, would allow him to get so close. It was obvious, from the familiar way Gary spoke, that he was in the inner circle. Traian had been away from his homeland for centuries and when he’d left, the ruling leader had been Mikhail’s father. Traian had yet to swear allegiance to Mikhail, so in some ways, Gary was more trusted by the prince than he would be.

“I went to ground in a network of undiscovered caves in the mountains not far from here,” Traian said. “At first I thought the vampires had followed me into the caves, but they were hunting for something there beneath the earth. They were so frantic to find it, instead of avoiding me as would be usual, they engaged me in a series of battles. I was able to kill one master, Gallent, but got no information about the powerful one who was coordinating the fights.”

Gary rubbed his jaw. “New behavior in an enemy is always

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