A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,57

“Thank you.”

I started toward the door, eager to escape his company and the uneasiness he stirred within.

“When my brother tires of you, feel free to come by my place. It’s only a block over. Red brick.”

I froze, my heart hammering. Had I misheard him? Slowly, I turned. “Excuse me?”

He smiled, amused. “I can be quite generous, and I admit, I find you interesting. Anyone who has caught my brother’s attention must be intriguing, in and out of bed. My brother does like unique and interesting things.” He placed his glass upon the side table. “You don’t expect my brother to keep you forever, do you? He’ll marry soon, and I doubt his wife will take kindly to him having a mistress.”

“I’m not…”

But I was. I was his mistress…or had thought about agreeing to the position. I shifted, feeling more than nervous. This was my new reality. I could either accept it, or flee. But flee where? Back to the factory? Become Mr. McKinnon’s mistress? Because I wasn’t naïve. I knew that’s what the factory owner wanted.

“Or perhaps you’re the kind of woman who only seeks out men with titles?”

“No, I…” I shook my head, confused and flustered. “I’m not—”

“There you are,” Gabe’s familiar voice interrupted.

I tore my attention from his brother. Gabe paused in the doorway, looking utterly perfect in his evening clothes, his golden hair combed neatly into place. His heated gaze brushed my form, from the top of my head to the tips of my slippers, taking in every tiny detail.

He was like an artist who was judging his work. I blushed. He nodded, as if he liked what he saw. Whereas only moments ago I would have enjoyed his attention, even been amused, now I felt unclean, dirty.

“I knew it would look good on you.”

I clasped my hands more tightly together, feeling the urge to cross my arms over my chest, to slink behind the door and hide. I felt like a cow being purchased to farm. Or a sculpture. An object. And even as I hated the way he looked at me, my traitorous body reacted, a fire spreading through my veins, leaving me aching, and thinking of last night.

“I see you’ve met my brother, Christopher.”

Christopher stood and bowed, suddenly the gentleman. “Charmed. Gabe, I’m sure I’ll see you out and about tonight.”

With one last glance at me, the man left. I realized I couldn’t fully relax until he was gone and it was only the two of us. I finally crossed my arms, feeling cold and hot all at once. The servants and their sidelong glances I could handle. However, the leering from Gabe’s brother, the insinuating comments I knew were to come should I agree to be Gabe’s mistress, I wasn’t quite sure I could take.

“Are you ready?” Gabe asked as he straightened his cufflinks.

I admit, I’d expected something more, seeing him for the first time since last night. A hug. A kiss on the cheek. A “well done” and pat on the back, at the least. This aloof lord wasn’t the man who had shown me pleasure until the wee hours of the morning.

“Ready? For what?”

“Merely a small gathering.” His cold gaze fell on the letter from Tommy. He picked it up and strolled toward the fire. “There will be dinner, dancing.”

I stiffened. Warning bells rang through my mind. “With your peers?”

“Yes.” He tossed the letter into the flames, watching for a second as it burned. How strange. Finally, he turned toward me. “Shall we?”

Bemused, I didn’t fight when he led me into the foyer. Who was Tommy, and why was Gabe acting so aloof? “We’re going to a ball?”

“I wouldn’t call it a ball, per say. Season is over, after all. But there will be plenty to occupy your attention.”

The footman opened the front door and we swept out into the cold evening before I had time to protest. I shivered, wishing I’d brought a wrap. Then again, I didn’t have one, and he hadn’t thought to purchase such a simple garment. I’d never made it to the Landcaster’s to pick up my bag. No doubt it had been stolen by now. My arm tightened on his as I realized I was completely at this man’s mercy.

Trust me, Ginny. Trust me to take care of you.

I’d trusted him last night and it had ended splendidly. Everything he’d said had come true. I’d experienced pleasure I hadn’t known could exist. Dare I trust him to keep me safe now? “Will your friends not

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