A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,55

needed to break things off as quickly as possible.

Chapter 9


I stepped from the bathing room, freshly washed, to find Sarah near the bed, smoothing down the skirts of a beautiful scarlet gown. I’d been avoiding the maid as much as possible, afraid she’d somehow guessed that my relationship with Gabe had moved into a sinful nature. There was no avoiding her now.

Curious, I headed toward her as I brushed the knots from my hair. The stockings next to the dress were of such fine silk, they seemed to be floating above the bed, barely there. Stunning. Like nothing I’d ever dared to see before.


She didn’t bother to glance my way, too busy making sure the delicate lace at the bottom of the hem was attached. “Yes, miss?”

I lowered the brush. “What’s this?”

“A ball gown, miss.”

Laughing, I placed my brush on the side table. “Yes, I see that. But why is it here?”

She shrugged as she rested a pair of pristine elbow-length gloves on the bed. “Don’t know, miss. Lord Chambers said to bring it here, make sure it was presentable.”

Startled, I wasn’t sure how to respond. “For…me?”

She finally looked my way. There was no judgement in her gaze, only worry and bewilderment. “Yes, miss. I suppose it’s a Christmas present. Are you not pleased? Do you not like it?”

“But Christmas isn’t for another two days.” I hesitated, then reached out, sliding my fingers down the satiny material. So cool to the touch. Smooth as butter. Was the gown truly for me? I’d never owned anything so stunning. Did he expect me to walk around the house in something so fine? This was a gown made to be seen. A gown for a ball or the opera, neither of which I’d ever been to, nor planned to attend. What had he planned? One never knew, he was so bloody difficult to read.

Vaguely, I remembered him carrying me to bed last night, placing me on the soft mattress, then leaving. I’d been so tired, I hadn’t protested, and had fallen into a deep sleep, dreaming about him the moment I’d touched the bed.

I should have awoken feeling guilty, ashamed. Instead, I’d awoken excited about the day. Eager and hopeful, when I’d always dreaded getting out of bed. He’d been so very gentle last night. So caring. Kind. So unlike him. But as the hours had gone by, and I hadn’t seen or heard from him, my excitement wavered, assuming the worst. And now here he was, giving me gifts. Obviously, I’d over-reacted. He was probably busy.

“Ready, miss?”

I quirked a brow. “For?”

“I’m to help you dress.”

“You mean wear it? Now?”

She nodded eagerly. “It’s what he commanded.” She lifted the crinoline and waited for me to step inside. “He wants your hair left down.”

Bemused, I stepped into the undergarments and waited while she tied the back. At least I was finally getting out of my nightgown. “Down? Why?”

“His orders. Said your hair is too beautiful to be tucked away.”

I blushed, pleased, although it was silly of me. I’d always been rather proud of my hair. To realize that he had noticed as well made me feel warm, wanted. Almost…pretty.

I turned so Sarah could pull my corset tight, squeezing my waist as tiny as it could get while still allowing me room to draw air. On the small table by the window was the book I’d been reading. The book where I’d tucked Violet’s letter.

Whatever you do, Ginny, please, do not fall in love with him.

Disconcerted, I tore my gaze from that book. Of course I wasn’t in love with him. I liked him, I respected him, I cared about him, and I was certainly attracted to him. But love? I scoffed. Of course not.

“Stockings, miss,” Sarah commanded, startling me from thoughts that were becoming much too troublesome.

Were we having a romantic dinner? Perhaps he was taking me to a play. I wasn’t sure how I felt about going out in public. I pressed my hand to my stomach, trying to get used to the stiffness of my corset.

“Dress next.”

I hesitated only a moment. No one would recognize me. I doubted even the Landcaster family would remember the face of a nameless servant, they’d so rarely actually looked at me. It might be amusing to be a mystery woman.

The cool material of the dress slid over my skin like the caress of a lover. I shivered as my thoughts went to last night. I’d known it would feel good, but I hadn’t expected such pleasure.

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