A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,30

still, stunned. “But you’ve never shown an interest in any man before. You’ve always pushed them away.” Realization dawned, her frown deepening. “It was the handsome gent you watched dance at the ball, wasn’t it?”

Had I been that obvious? I nodded, feeling utterly miserable and angry all at once. Hell, I wasn’t sure what I felt. Had Gabe told Mrs. Finch on purpose just to get me fired? “He’s a lord.” I released a shaky laugh. “How bloody stupid am I?”

Her face was full of a compassion I didn’t deserve. I’d lectured Violet about not falling for a gent. But Vi, as sweet as she was, didn’t mock me. “Perhaps he’ll do the honorable—”

“Yes.” I scoffed. “He’s offered to make me his mistress.”

The look of pure disappointment that flashed across her eyes made me feel even worse. It was as if I’d just told her fairy tales weren’t real. I didn’t deserve Violet. The world didn’t bloody deserve her. She squeezed my hand. “Don’t, Ginny. Please, don’t become his mistress. You couldn’t bear it!”

“Don’t fret so, Vi.” I’d thought my shame spent. Burning guilt swept through me because…yes, it had crossed my mind after he’d touched me, leaving me shaking and delirious with pleasure. “I don’t understand it myself, Vi. I don’t understand the pull he has on me. I don’t know why I gave into his touch.”

Violet stepped back, her face set stubbornly. “I’m going with you.”

I grabbed onto her hand before she could flee and ruin her life forever. “Don’t be a ninny. You know this place was never for me, it was only a matter of time before I was let go.”

Tears pooled in her eyes as she gripped my hands in hers. “Where will you go? What will you do?”

I shrugged, trying to ignore the panic that was slowly weaving its way through my body. “I’ll do well enough. I always do.” I shrugged. “Perhaps return to the factory.”

She brushed away the tears trembling on her lashes. I knew that look in her eyes. “It’s set. I’m going with you. We’re in this together. I have some money saved. Just wait for me to pack.”

I tried to reach for her but she evaded my grasp. “No, Vi. You can’t.”

“Yes.” She started toward the narrow servant’s stairs, all eagerness and loyalty. “Wait for me!”

She thundered up the steps, disappearing from view. “Damn you, Vi.”

“Poor wench,” Harriet said from behind me.

I wasn’t sure if she was talking about me or Violet.

“Lives over by Mayfair, he does,” she added. I turned to face her. She leaned against the wall, arms crossed. I didn’t ask how she knew who Vi and I had been talking about, nor wonder how much she had heard. It didn’t matter. “Massive white stone house with white columns out front. The man is soon to be an earl, once his father dies. And most say it will be soon.”

A bloody earl? Well, at least when I fell, I fell high. “Why are you telling me this?”

She shrugged. “Because I know what it’s like to live in the slums, and believe me, you’d do much better in his bed than whoring yourself on the streets.”

Harriet wasn’t as innocent as I’d assumed. I swallowed hard, anger and frustration mounting. Those were my choices? Either become a mistress, or a whore on the streets? It wasn’t fair, damn it all. This was his fault. His. Bastard.

My reserve started to harden. “What about the rumors?”

She shrugged. “Silly gossip. Certainly hasn’t prevented every woman within his sphere from throwing themselves at him.”

I almost snorted in disgust. “I can’t take her with me. Vi needs to stay here.”

Harriet laughed. “Yes, she does. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone so bloody sweet.”

“Will you leave my things in a bag outside? Under the hedgerow in the back? I’ll sneak by tonight and get it. Tell Violet I left. Tell her you don’t know where I went. Tell her I want her to stay here for now. I’ll contact her soon.”

She nodded, and started toward the stairs. “Take my cloak; it’s on the peg near the door. I’m sorry, you know, to see you leave.”

“Thank you.”

She paused on the steps, her hand resting on the staircase railing. “Will you go to him?”

My jaw clenched, my resolve hardening. “Oh yes. Absolutely.”



“Oh yes. You must have a ball.” The golden-haired woman down the table smiled at me like I was a God. An inviting smile that I’d seen many times before. Flirtatious smile that would

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