A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,27

breath slipping into my mouth. For a brief moment I merely savored the taste of her. Then slowly, ever so slowly, I drew my tongue across her lower lip.

She sighed, opening for me. Without hesitation, I thrust my tongue into her warmth. While one hand cupped her arse, my other palm slid up her curvy body. Her nipples had turned into hardened buds under my palm. I closed my hand over her right breast, brushing my thumb against that nipple. Damnation, I couldn’t stop touching her. It was even better than I’d remembered.

Lost. I was completely gone. Nothing mattered but tasting her. Having her. Filling her completely.

As my tongue mated with hers, my hands skimmed her body, touching her everywhere I could, from the delicate shell of her ear to the roundness of her hips. I couldn’t get enough. Feared I’d never get enough.

She groaned, sinking into my body, giving into me completely, and that’s when I clawed my way up from the muddy pit of my attraction and forced myself to release her.

Struggling for breath, I stepped back. She wavered, before bracing her hand against the wall for support. Her eyes gleamed with unspent lust, her chest rising and falling with each sharp intake of breath. She was stunning. And I had to let her go…for now.

“As you have allowed, just one kiss.” I bowed low. “Do let me know when you’re ready for more.”

Ignoring the stunned look upon her pretty face, I gripped her shoulders, moved her aside, and opened the door, leaving her behind.

Chapter 5


It didn’t take a genius to know that Mrs. Finch hadn’t asked me to her office to give me praise. In the three weeks I’d been working for the Landcaster family, two maids had been called to Mrs. Finch’s office. Both had left the estate in tears.

I hesitated outside her scarred, white door, smoothing my sweaty palms over my dark skirts. My head throbbed, although from lack of sleep or from worry, I wasn’t sure.

Down the hall I could hear Cook singing, “Deck the Halls,” an oddly merry tune for such a dour moment. And even though I knew something bad was about to happen, all I could think about was how the doors upstairs were pristine white. How very different things were upstairs and down. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

No. I wouldn’t think about the unfairness of it all. I wouldn’t dwell upon being treated a step better than the rubbish piles on the streets. And I certainly wouldn’t think about how Gabe acted as if I was no better than a common whore. Gabe touching me. Letting him do those things to me. It had almost ruined everything. Perhaps it had. Mayhap that was the very reason why I stood outside Mrs. Finch’s door.

After the ball, I’d been determined to be on my best behavior. For the last week I’d been working until I’d had blisters upon my blisters, pausing only to collapse into the bed I shared with Violet at night.

In many ways Vi was right; working as a servant was far better than living in the slums. We never went without food, we had clean bedding and clothing. It was a job many would be grateful for. However, I wasn’t working my fingers to the bone so I could keep my position and gain the praises of Mrs. Finch, but to try and forget him. Forget his touch. Forget his scent. Forget the way he’d made me feel.

Since the ball, only once had I spotted Gabe. He’d stood in the foyer chatting with the Landcaster heir. As if sensing me, he’d glanced my way, but I’d managed to dart into another room before we’d locked eyes. Still, that mere quick glance had been enough to make me hot, restless in a way I had no right to feel.

During the day, I could work until my mind went numb. However, at night when I closed my eyes, I couldn’t so easily forget him. I saw his face, dreamt of his lips pressing to mine, heard him whisper promises of more. I’d wake up aching and frustrated for something I didn’t truly understand, but knew I wanted. Needed.

I wished I’d never let him kiss me. His touch had awoken something deep within that was better left buried. Something sinful. Desperate.

It doesn’t have to remain buried, a little wicked voice whispered.

All I had to do was tell him I wanted him. Wanted what, exactly? Even I couldn’t guess what

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