A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,26

to dart around me. “I have things to do.”

I reached out, sliding my arm around her waist, and pulling her into my side. She froze against me, her warm breath whispering over my shoulder. “But for you,” I said softly. “I have a very, very high regard for you.”

She didn’t try to pull away, didn’t swat at my hands. How I hated that black dress she wore, buttoned all the way to her chin. She needed to be in vibrant jewel tones. I wanted to lavish her in diamond necklaces, see her in silks and satins.

Lady Mitchell cried out in release, the sound vibrating down the hall. They would be finished soon. I reached behind me and pushed open the closest door. She didn’t protest when I pulled her into the linen closet. I closed the door behind her and pressed her up against the wall. It smelled of starch and lemons…of clean bedchambers.

She tilted her head back and caught my gaze. I could see the confusion there. Even in the dim light piercing the tiny window behind us. She was attracted to me, but it scared her. If I’d been a good man, if I’d had a soul, I supposed I would have felt some guilt, but I’d sold my soul years ago.

“You intrigue me, Ginny.” I let my fingertips drift down the side of her face. “I’ve never met anyone quite like you.”

She flushed, but I could see the pleasure in her eyes, whether from my touch, or the compliments, I wasn’t sure. Did it matter? I was pulling her in. She was letting her guard down, just as I’d known she would. Just as I’d planned.

“You’re smart, surely more intelligent than any woman I’ve ever known. You’re interesting. No, you’re fascinating. You’re beautiful.”

She dropped her gaze, embarrassed. “Let me leave, my lord.”

Despite my intentions, every compliment I’d given her had been sincere truth. “If I don’t let you leave?” I pressed my hand to the small of her back, and nuzzled my lips against her neck. She trembled in my arms. The breathy sigh that escaped her throat was one of pure pleasure. A sound that reached down into my gut and grabbed hold. “I rather like you here…in my arms.”

“I’ll…I’ll scream murder.”

“And who will be blamed? You. Only you.” I trailed my lips toward her mouth, our breaths mingling. I could feel her heart hammering against my chest. “Besides, you want me to kiss you, don’t you?”

Slowly, her lashes lifted. Those beautiful blue eyes were hazy with passion. I knew in that moment I’d caught her. If only she’d admit the truth. Blast, but she made me careless, desperate. The attraction I felt for her was new and unexpected. An attraction I wanted to explore at length in a bed, not in a linen closet.

“Because if you didn’t want my kisses, you probably would have punched me in the throat and left by now.”

Her eyes narrowed. “I hate you.”

“Yes, I know. But you also want me.”

Her breath hitched, but she didn’t deny it. Hell, I wanted to slide my fingers into her hair, cup the back of her head and crush my lips to hers. I wanted to breathe in her scent. To lick her body. Soak in her very essence. It would be so damn easy to take her. But if I took her here, now, I wouldn’t win this game of wills.

“You are a lord,” she whispered. “And you’re taking advantage of your power over a lowly maid.”

Damn, she was doing her best to make me feel guilty. “Fine,” I murmured, so close to her mouth that I could practically taste her. “I promised I wouldn’t take you unless you asked.”

I released my hold and stepped back. Stunned and off balance, she swayed, blinking up at me. I’d surprised her, and I had a feeling she wasn’t surprised often. Somehow, I managed not to laugh, even as I cursed my throbbing erection.

“Don’t look so surprised, Ginny. I’ve never forced myself on anyone, they come more than willingly.”

Determined to leave with my dignity intact, I reached for the door.


I paused, confused. “Excuse me?”

She tilted her chin high, boldly staring me down. “One kiss.”

Was she seriously giving me permission? What a brave lass. Or naïve. The thrill of victory raced sweetly through my blood. A roar of approval. Thrill of success.

Slowly, I stepped closer and cupped the side of her face. “One kiss.”

Before she could change her mind, I molded my lips to hers, her very

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