A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,144

my fingers tightened on her hips, holding her captive. If she left me now, I’d die a painful, unfulfilled death.

“I dream about you,” she whispered. “I didn’t want to. But night after night…you’d invade my dreams.”

She lifted, settling the plum tip of my erection at her entrance. Sweat broke out across my forehead. It was so damn hard to hold back. “What did you dream?”

“This. Taking you. You, taking me.” She lowered. My cock slid into her entrance, slowly, much too slowly. “And I’d wake up so very desperate, aching, for you. No matter how many times I touched myself, it was never enough. I wanted you inside me. Only you. Deep inside.”

Hell, I could hold back no longer. I groaned and dug my fingers into her hips, surging up. She gasped as I entered her fully, her tight passage squeezing. Those beautiful hands pressed flat to my chest as she regained her balance. Embedded, she shivered, her skin flushed pink.

“You’re so thick and hard,” she whispered. “I swear I can feel you swelling inside of me.”

I had to grit my teeth to keep from coming then and there. Her eyes had taken on a hazy look that left me feeling more than satisfied. How I loved to see the pleasure cross her features. She lifted her hips ever so slightly, then pressed back down on me. A heated flush raced through my body. Hell. She was trying to kill me.

“Again,” I demanded.

She lifted higher this time, then rocked back down, taking me fully inside of her. Every time she moved, those lush breasts bounced temptingly, until I could stand it no longer and reached out, cupping the soft mounds. “Lean closer.”

She did as was told. I slid my hands to her back and brought her breasts to my mouth, kissing first the valley between them, then taking a nipple into my mouth. She whimpered, arching her back as her sheath shuddered around me. She was going to come. My cock throbbed almost painfully. I pulled my mouth away and gripped her arse, jerking her closer, thrusting deeper.

“Gabe, I’m going to…”

“Come for me, Ginny.”

She arched her back and gasped. The expression on her face was one of pure bliss. I’d never seen anyone as beautiful, as she looked in that moment. Her body trembled around me, squeezing me dry. I could hold back no longer. Tightening my hold on her lush arse, I surged up and came inside her, pouring my hot seed into her womb.

She collapsed atop me, her breathing harsh across my chest. Depleted. She’d milked me dry. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. A fierce surge of protectiveness rushed through me. She was mine. My family. My home. My life. And I would never lose her again.

I’d found that elusive happiness that so many searched for, but so few found.

And everything would be perfect…as soon as I killed the dowager.

Chapter Six


A gaggle of children singing at the top of their lungs, screeching really, should have been incredibly annoying. But seeing their faces screwed up with laughter, the joy in their eyes as I played, “God Rest You Merry Gentlemen,” on the piano, made the cacophony somehow bearable.

Never, in my life, had I played a Christmas carol on the piano. Never, before, had I played in front of anyone, other than the teacher I’d had as a child. And certainly never had I experienced such joy with others.

But I was playing now, and the children were dancing and singing, and William was spinning Lillian around and around, and for the first time I knew what it was like to be surrounded by kind, happy people. As my fingers flew across the piano keys, Julianna and James were seated on the settee laughing, keeping watch over Izzy and their own little boy, who were settled between them. Her little head was tilted back, her mouth open as she screamed gibberish at the top of her lungs. I couldn’t help but laugh.

Happy chaos, Julianna had called it earlier.

Ginny leaned forward, her breast brushing my arm as she turned the page for me. Heated lust rushed through me. Did she think of last night in the cottage? Hell, I would remember it until my dying day. I slid her a glance and smiled. She grinned back. All was right with the world. I felt more than content. I felt…happy, I realized. Lord, it had been a long, long time since I’d felt happy. I finished the song.


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