A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,143

curiously. “You like that?”

“Christ, Ginny, I like anything you do.”

She lowered again, and pressed kisses to the muscles of my stomach, lower…lower. My cock grew hard as steel. With determined fingers, she brushed the blankets down my body until my cock jutted free.

She studied my erection, as if memorizing every detail. A scientist, after all, she acted as if my cock was a new species she’d only just discovered. When she reached out, the anticipation nearly killed me. I gripped the sheets, resisting the urge to lift my hips. Her interest only ignited my desire.

She wrapped her hands around the base. Oh sweet heaven. Her firm grip made me see stars. A groan of torture escaped my lips. Slowly, she moved her hands up and down the length, exploring.

“You feel so velvety, so soft, yet, so hard at the same time,” the awe in her voice amused me. “Can I…can I kiss you…there?”

My amusement fled. God help me. She peeked up through her lashes, awaiting my consent. Beautiful blue eyes cloudy with passion, afire with desire and power. I could sense the change within her, with each moan that slipped from my lips. Gone was the hesitant, unsure woman, and in her place a temptress in charge. “Ginny, you can do whatever you wish to me. I am yours.”

Slowly, she lowered her head. Her hair brushed my lower belly and upper thighs, tickling my skin. My breath caught. Holy hell. When her pink tongue darted out and she licked the head of my erection a hiss of pleasure escaped my lips. It took everything in my power not to arch upward and overwhelm her.

I was on the verge of begging for more, when I felt her breath right before she took me in her mouth. Warm, wet lips slid over the thickened tip, then down my shaft. Pleasure raced through my veins, in my limbs. I felt her touch everywhere. Raw and consuming. Slowly, she pulled back, releasing me. I slumped into the mattress, my breath choppy.

“Hell,” I muttered. “Do you know how beautiful you are?”

“I don’t know what I’m doing,” she whispered, her eyes on my face, searching for a reaction. “Does it feel good?”

Emotion surged through me. Feelings I had no right to experience, had never expected to know, let alone understand. But as she sat before me, looking so utterly beautiful, so vulnerable, so desperate to please, I suddenly understood everything.

Love. Devotion. The meaning of life itself.

“Yes,” I said softly, gently. “Christ, you have no idea how good it feels.”

Her cheeks flushed with pleasure as she lowered her gaze to my cock once more. She gripped the shaft in her delicate hands. With a tight hold, she ran her fingers up and down my erection. I threw my head back and groaned.

If she took me into her mouth again, I knew I’d come, and I was not ready for this to be over. “Climb atop me, Ginny.”

She released her hold, crawled up my body, and straddled my hips. I saw a flash of pink femininity through that patch of dark curls, before she reached out, and clasped my hands. With a wicked gleam in her eyes, she pushed my hands into the bed above my head, holding me captive. Our gazes clashed. I saw her in that moment, I saw her past, our future, every possibility. It humbled me, excited me, gave me hope when I’d been empty of it for so many years.

“Do you mean to hold me captive and have your way with me?”

She grinned, her eyes sparkling with excitement, attraction, need. “Perhaps.”

“Please do.”

Slowly, she lowered her body. Her nipples skimmed my chest right before her lips touched mine. I wanted to crush her to me, to touch her everywhere. I wanted to flip her over and thrust into her tight passage. Instead, I forced myself to remain still, and let her lead.

Her tongue slid into my mouth, thrusting in and out, in a mating rhythm. Her sweet, vanilla scent swirled around me, invading my senses. As she kissed me senseless, I lifted my hips, brushing my cock against her thighs. The aching need in my groin intensified, almost unbearable. I tore my hands from hers, and gripped her hips. I was desperate to touch her, to claim her. It had been so damn long.

“Take me,” I whispered against her lips. “Take me inside of you.”

She pulled back, breathless, and drew her hands down my body, toward my cock. As she reached for my shaft,

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