Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,46


“Sounds like you have come to your senses,” Mitch arrogantly expected an apology.

“I was a little out of line,” Jack bit his tongue as he responded to Mitch. “It had been a long night.”

“I understand, it was a long night for us as well,” Mitch replied as Jack sensed him loosen up a little. “So what is it that you want.”

“Look, Mitch, there was a misunderstanding between Mitch and Delaney,” Jack managed to be convincing through clenched teeth. “I really want this to to go away, especially with graduation coming up. I just don’t want everyone gossiping and talking about what happened.”

“You read my mind,” Mitch fell for it hook, line, and sinker. “It would be better for everyone if this issue just disappeared.”

“But, there is one thing,” Jack played his other card. “What Jeff did to Greg was unacceptable, and I think we both know that.”

“I agree one hundred percent.”

“A fight between boys is one thing, we’ve all been there,” Jack appealed to Mitch’s warped sense of sportsmanship. “But being the third man in and kicking a boy in the head is just not right.”

“No, it isn’t,” Mitch took pleasure in where the conversation was going. “So, what can I do for you.”

“Jeff needs to pay for what he did to Greg. Now, I don’t want anything to happen until after graduation for the sake of discretion, but I do want that animal arrested first thing Saturday morning.”

“I can make that happen,” Mitch negotiated a trade. “If we can agree that other matter is a non issue.”

“It’s a deal,” Jack lied convincingly as he offered his handshake. “I just need some documentation in the form of a sheriff’s report that implicates Mr. Gross, and then we can leave Mitch and Greg out of this.”

“I’ll have it emailed to your attorney this afternoon,” Mitch pulled legal strings far too easily. “And we will set up a meeting for tomorrow to put this entire matter behind us.”

“Sounds good,” Jack appealed to Mitch one more time. “And Mitch, this conversation remains between us. Do you understand.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Mitch agreed as he stood up from the table and Jack knew he had him as he turned to walk away. “I’ll see you later, Jack.”

* * *

We’re finally alone, Delaney thought to herself as she quietly entered Greg’s bedroom wearing nothing but her favorite silk nightie and slowly crawled under the covers.

He feels so warm, she cuddled up to him and kissed his neck as she felt him respond to her. That’s more like it Greg, Delaney thought as he turned to her and kissed her softly as his hand found her hip. Maybe there’s nothing wrong after all.

“What time is it,” he asked as he seemed to wake up.

“It’s a little after noon,” Delaney replied as she moved her body closer to his. “Everyone’s gone, we have the house to ourselves.”

“That’s nice,” he replied and kissed her again. “I was up late last night.”

“You were,” she said as her body again responded to him. “What did you and Jack talk about.”

“Nothing really,” he thankfully didn’t seem interested in conversation as his hand moved to her breast.

Delaney closed her eyes as his fingers aroused her senses and they slowly kissed. Thats a good start, she sensed his excitement as he carefully rolled her onto her back and his hand moved to her stomach, his body pressing against hers. Finally, Delaney thought to herself as she prepared for a new experience and felt his hand move to the inside of her thigh before gradually working it’s way higher.

And then, it stopped.

Not the kissing. No, that continued and it still felt nice. Not his excitement. No, Delaney could definitely still feel that. But, his hand, that wonderful hand. It was frozen in time.

What is going on, Delaney asked herself as she stopped kissing him and looked into his eyes. Oh yeah, that’s it, she remembered why she ran into town that morning. Her confusion behind her, Delaney kissed his neck and then whispered in his ear, “Greg, I bought some condoms. They’re on the dresser.”

“Really,” he seemed embarrassed as he didn’t give the response she had been expecting and his hand remained frozen on her leg.

This is odd, Delaney was again frustrated as she tried to figure out what was wrong. “Greg, what is it.”

She worried as his response seemed to take forever. Am I doing something wrong, Delaney questioned herself and needed to know the answer as she looked directly

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