Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,45

I also need you to set up a meeting with Jeff Gross for this afternoon.”

“Now, I really don’t like where this is going,” Mike took on an entirely different tone. “I’ve got to warn you Jack, you are treading on thin ice.”

“Not any thinner than the ice they are treading on,” Jack explained his logic. “If they want to drag their feet, it’s fine with me. No charges have been filed yet and it’s my understanding that we are free to talk with anyone we choose, at least until charges are filed. Don’t worry, Mike, we are just going to have a nice, friendly chat with Mr. Gross.”

“Sure we are,” Mike seemed to better understand their direction. “Is there anything else you need.”

“Not yet, my friend,” Jack stood up and shook hands with Mike as he plotted his next move. “But I will let you know when there is.”

* * *

“Good morning, Delaney,” Amanda greeted her as she looked up from her coffee.

“Good morning,” Delaney replied and sat down, unsure of the time. “Where is everyone.”

“Jack had a meeting with the attorney, and I think Greg and Logan are still sleeping. How did you sleep.”

“Not too well,” she answered honestly.

“I’m sorry, honey,” Amanda looked concerned. “Do you want to talk about it.”

“I think I’m just being ridiculous,” Delaney questioned her actions and her thoughts. “It’s just that things are different with Greg.”

“How do you mean.”

“I thought everything was going to change when we got home, that we would feel differently about one another,” Delaney tried to put her finger on what was bothering her. “But, nothing has really changed, he barely even kissed me yesterday.”

“Maybe he’s just not feeling well, Delaney, have you thought about that. He’s been through a lot.”

“That’s not it,” Delaney rejected Amanda’s theory. “You know Greg. To him, what happened the other night was simply part of doing his job and the concussion just the cost of doing business. He looks at it like a little headache, do you know what I mean.”

“I think I do,” Amanda replied with a reassuring smile. “He is just like Jack.”

“He is,” Delaney couldn’t help but smile. “Do you know what those two were talking about last night. They were up awfully late.”

“I have no idea. Jack wasn’t exactly attentive to my needs last night either.”

Delaney understood exactly what Amanda was saying as she thought about Greg and tried to figure out what he was thinking. “I don’t know, maybe it’s just some kind of man thing we don’t know about. They have this need to drive us crazy.”

“That’s probably part of it,” Amanda laughed. “But I think it’s more about their need to protect us, to make sure we are safe. Do you know what I’m saying.”

“I think I do,” Delaney remembered how she felt in his hospital room. “But sometimes, they choose the wrong way to show it.”

“They sure do. But don’t worry, Greg will come around. He just has a lot on his mind.”

“I know he will,” Delaney agreed with Amanda and felt better after their conversation. “I think I’m going to run a couple errands this morning. Can I borrow your car.”

“Of course you can, I don’t need it until noon. Logan and I have orientation day at his new school.”

“That sounds like fun,” Delaney replied as she pictured Logan running wild. “I’ll be back before then.”

* * *

Calm down, Jack, he thought to himself as he sat in a quiet corner of the restaurant and took a sip of water. You need to be at your best here, you need to be convincing. He’s right on time, Jack realized as his target entered his sight line and the clock indicated high noon.

What a fat piece of shit, he thought to himself as Mitch spotted him from across the room and Jack waved a white flag of surrender. Make him feel like he won, appeal to his ego, Jack remembered his strategy as he stood to greet him. “Mitch, thanks for meeting me on such short notice,” Jack spoke first as he shook his hand.

“No problem, Jack,” Mitch replied suspiciously as he sat down.

Don’t be too eager, Jack, he remained calm as he again resorted to talking to himself and taking a sip water to settle his nerves. Let him make the first move.

“So what can I do for you,” Mitch obliged him.

“I just wanted to talk about the other day, maybe straighten some things out,” Jack offered an olive branch as he tried to appear

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