Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,39

as he reassured him. “They had to give me a crew cut and a couple stitches, but I’m doing good.” Good meaning a splitting headache and an aversion to light, Greg thought to himself as he squinted through the pain.

“Can I feel,” Logan asked as he reached for Greg’s head and made a funny face. “It feels weird.”

“It feels weird to me too,” Greg enjoyed his conversation with Logan while at the same time missing his hair. “But it will grow back soon.”

“Let me show you your room, Greg,” Delaney interrupted Logan’s interrogation and made him feel like the guest of honor as she took his hand. “Jack’s getting your stuff and Amanda made up the guest bedroom for you,” she said as she led him down the hallway and then entered his room.

“Thanks, Delaney,” he sighed as he collapsed on the bed, exhausted by the trip from the hospital back to the house. “I’m beat.”

“Why don’t you get into bed,” Delaney suggested with a concerned look on her face. “The doctor said you should get plenty of rest.”

“Don’t worry, I’m going to,” he replied as he sat up and considered his next question. “Delaney, is Jack okay. He barely talked on the way home. He’s not mad at me, is he.”

“He’s not mad at you at all,” Delaney responded as she sat down next to him. “I think you did exactly what he would have done if he wasn’t an adult.”

“So, what’s wrong with him.”

“I’m not quite sure, but I think something happened when he went to pick up your truck yesterday. But, he won’t talk about it, not even with Amanda.”

“You going to be okay in here, Greg,” Jack interrupted their conversation as he entered the room with his bags.

“It’s perfect,” Greg replied as he again felt a sharp pain shoot through his head. “Thanks for everything, Jack.”

“Anytime,” Jack replied as he seemed to perk up a little. “Let me know if you need anything, okay.”

“You’ve got it,” Greg answered as he watched Jack exit the room and his hand found Delaney’s leg. Alone at last, he smiled as he turned to Delaney and immediately knew she had read his mind.

“Don’t even think about it,” she laughed and pushed his hand away. “You had your chance last night, now you are going to have to wait until you are all better. Sorry.”

“Very funny,” he replied to her teasing and then suddenly felt serious. “Delaney, I’m glad you are alright.”

“I’m fine, Greg, please stop worrying about me. If one more person asks if I’m okay, I’ll going to kill them.”

“Trust me, I understand. I won’t worry about you anymore, I promise.”

“Okay, that’s settled then,” Delaney responded as she stole a quick kiss and stood up from the bed. “Now get some rest, and if you are lucky, maybe I will visit later.”

“Sounds good,” he replied as he laid down and closed his eyes as his thoughts turned to her visit.

* * *

“Jack, there is nothing you can do right now,” Amanda tried to convince him as she cleared the last lunch plates off the table. “Why don’t you come back to the bedroom and take a nap with me. You could use the rest.”

“I’m okay,” he replied, still distracted by his thoughts and the papers he was studying.

“I’ll make it worth your while,” she offered a bribe as she brushed his shoulder with her hand.

“What was that.”

“Nothing Jack,” Amanda gave up as she took the dishes into the kitchen and realized talking to him right now was useless.

What is wrong with him? Why can’t he just talk to me? The lack of sleep certainly can’t be helping. It just adds to his stubbornness, Amanda washed the dishes as she thought about what to say.

We need to get back to normal as soon as possible, she thought to herself as she dried her hands with a towel. Delaney and Greg are going to be okay. Let’s just leave it at that and let the rest of the problem fade away.

But, we can’t do that. Jack is right. Mitch needs to be held accountable for what he did, Amanda understood the need to take a different approach as she reentered the dining room.

“Jack,” Amanda was careful to get his full attention as she sat back down at the table. “I need you to talk to me about this.”

He paused as he took off his reading glasses and put down the papers. “Amanda, I really don’t want to burden you. I’d rather

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