Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,38

conversation. “It’s just that I worry about you. You are very emotionally vulnerable right now, and I want you to be sure you are ready like we talked about so many times.”

“It’s okay, Amanda, you are right,” Delaney accepted her apology. “Believe it or not, Greg said the same thing when he stopped me.”

Thank God for Greg, Amanda thought to herself as she considered what to say. Delaney has been through so much this weekend, of course she is vulnerable to her emotions, of course she needs an outlet to express herself. I felt the same way at her age with what I was going through.

“Delaney, I’m not saying the two of you aren’t ready, I actually think you are. It’s just that the first time should be special and it should be with someone you love, but not in a hospital bed after what the two of you have been through.”

“I understand, but it just kind of happened. Don’t you remember your first time.”

“Of course I do,” Amanda replied, unsure of where this conversation was going. “I was also at a very vulnerable time in my life, kind of like you are now, and it was scary. I was just very fortunate the boy I chose loved me and cared about me, just as Greg loves you.”

“Were you nervous.”

“Of course I was. But, I also think I was ready, and he was sweet and he was careful,” Amanda looked at Delaney to be sure she understood.

“I get it Amanda,” Delaney couldn’t help to take a shot at her. “But, you weren’t exactly careful with Jack.”

“That was different,” Amanda explained as she remembered her first time with Jack. “We both knew we were in love, and I think we both knew exactly what we were doing, exactly what we wanted.”

“I know Greg and I feel the same way.”

“I think you do too,” Amanda agreed with her before pointing out the differences. “But I was twenty six and had already finished school and Jack was forty two and ready for fatherhood. You and Greg are just getting started. Trust me, Delaney, the two of you will have plenty of time.”

“I know we will,” Delaney replied with a smile as Amanda realized she had just been testing her. “And I know it’s going to be special.”

* * *

Jack was angry.

Not just a little bit angry, but really pissed off. Sure, he had managed to put his best face forward when Amanda, Delaney, and Logan arrived home, but now that they were sleeping, he had nothing left to hide. I really could kill him, he remembered his threats and pictured the fat, bloated face of J. Mitchell Caldwell as he poured himself another drink.

How dare he even suggest that the encounter between his son and Delaney had been consensual. How do you explain the bruise on her arm, the cuts on her feet, the tear in her dress. How do you explain her endless tears the night before.

There was nothing consensual about it. That would be like Mitch Jr. saying that Greg hitting him in the face was consensual, that he had agreed to the beating he apparently took. I can’t let him get away with it, Jack decided as he found some pleasure in the bruises and black eye on Mitch Jr.’s face.

But, the cards are all stacked against me, Jack realized as he sat down on the sun chair and put his feet up to try and relax. The law is on his side, he’s got the sheriff in his pocket. I just have a bruised girl, a concussed boy, and an overmatched attorney. I’ve got to figure this thing out, I have to find some answers. Maybe Greg will be able to help when we talk to him tomorrow, but I’m not even sure he remembers anything. I’m not even sure my brain is working anymore, Jack realized he hadn’t slept in nearly forty eight hours.

I need to sleep, Jack closed his eyes and planned his strategy as his exhaustion finally trumped his anger. Tomorrow, I will figure something out, tomorrow will be better.

Tomorrow, I will know all the answers.

Chapter Fourteen

“Hey bud,” Greg tried to be enthusiastic as they arrived home and Logan ran to greet him.

“Greg, how are you feeling,” Logan asked as he hugged him around his waist. “What happened to your hair.”

“Take it easy, Logan,” Amanda rescued Greg as she picked up her son. “Remember what I told you about his accident.”

“It’s okay,” Greg tried to smile

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