Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,24

moving upstairs rather than fighting the line that had formed at the downstairs bathroom.

Finally, relief, Delaney relaxed as she closed the door and found peace. His house is nice, she admired the granite and the quality of the fixtures as she checked her makeup and dress. Too bad I can’t say the same thing about him, Delaney thought to herself as she remembered the last hour.

It was like he immediately changed once he left the club and arrived home. Gone were the manners and politeness on display in public, replaced by heavy drinking and crude displays of obnoxiousness with his buddies. He had barely even spoken to her since their arrival, trading her company for some beer and whiskey. Maybe I should just call Jack and Amanda to pick me up, Delaney considered her options. Or, maybe I should call Greg, she thought about him working just down the road.

Delaney smiled as she thought of him. After tonight, she appreciated his simple kindness more than ever. No, she had nothing in common with most of these kids, but Greg, he truly understood her, he appreciated everything about her. Tomorrow, I’m going to tell him everything I feel, Delaney looked in the mirror and at last found comfort in her feelings for him.

Time to go, Delaney was relieved as she unlocked the door to leave the bathroom. I don’t need to talk to Mitch, she decided as she turned the corner and opted instead to call Greg when she got outside.

But, her plan was suddenly interrupted as she saw Mitch blocking the stairs. This isn’t good, Delaney didn’t like the look she saw in his eyes.

“Where have you been,” he asked abruptly as Delaney could smell the liquor on his breath.

“I was in the ladies room,” she answered quietly. “I think I am going to go home,” Delaney shared her plans as she tried to go around him.

“You’re not going anywhere,” he interrupted her progress as he grabbed her arm and tried to kiss her.

“Let go of me, Mitch,” she tried to get away but his grip was too strong.

“Get over here,” he pulled her to the end of he hallway as she tried to scream but was drowned out by the music. “We’ve got until 2:00 and it’s prom night,” Mitch reminded her as he forced her into the bedroom.

“Mitch, please stop,” Delaney cried as she tried to resist. “Please let me go.”

“Quiet down,” he commanded her as his grip got tighter and he tried to shove his tongue down her throat.

“No,” she cried as she resisted him to no avail and realized her prom night had turned into a nightmare.

And then it got worse. Mitch pinned her against the wall and his hands moved all over her body. This can’t be happening to me, Delaney couldn’t stop crying as she tried to fight him off and he pulled down the top of her dress. I need to stop him, Delaney realized as his mouth attacked her breast and his hand reached between her legs.

Luckily, her knee found its target in his moment of distraction, and as he crumbled in pain, Delaney made her break for the door. Crying hysterically, Delaney didn’t care about the scene she made as she ran down the stairs holding her dress up as best she could. Flying through the front door, she couldn’t run fast enough as she kicked off her heels and ran down the road.

What just happened to me, Delaney finally stopped to catch her breath and couldn’t stop crying. As she tried to fix her dress and find a place to hide, she was surprised that somehow she had managed to hold onto her purse. Delaney quickly found her phone, but could barely operate it as her hands continued to shake until finally she managed to punch in his number.

Thank God it’s ringing, I need him now, Delaney realized as she heard him answer the phone.

* * *

“Delaney, are you okay,” Greg immediately answered his phone and heard her crying, unable to really respond.

“Greg, I need you,” she barely managed to form words.

He forgot about the work he was finishing up and ran to the door while trying to keep her calm. “I’ll be there in a second. Stay on the phone, Delaney, tell me where you are.”

“I’m somewhere near Mitch’s house,” Delaney seemed to calm down a little.

“I’m two minutes away,” he assured her as he jumped into his truck and was grateful she was close. Don’t you dare fail

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