Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,23

because they play football together, she gave Mitch a break and prepared to be polite.

“What’s up dude,” Jeff bumped fists with Mitch as he rudely climbed into the limo before Nancy and took up most of the space. “Hey Delaney, what’s up.”

“Hi, Jeff, how are you,” Delaney tried to be nice as she took in Jeff’s wrinkled tuxedo accessorized with a bolo tie and cowboy boots. “Hey Nancy.”

“Hey girl, are you finally ready to party,” Jeff’s equally classless girlfriend seemed to have already started as she nearly fell out of her dress. “We’re going to have fun with you tonight.”

“Yes we are,” Delaney replied awkwardly, not sure how to answer.

Delaney’s mind drifted back to her thoughts as they made their way to the club and she broke her earlier vow not to think about Greg. I wonder what he is doing right now, she imagined being with him as she traded the limo for his rusty truck and finally felt comfortable. I made a bad decision, Delaney realized as she thought of kissing Greg softly and felt herself getting emotional.

Stop it, Delaney, she commanded herself and came to her senses. It’s going to be be fine, she forced herself to rejoin the conversation. It’s just for a few hours, Delaney rationalized as she plastered on a fake smile and prepared herself for torture.

* * *

“Snap out if it, Greg,” Sheila snapped her fingers and tried to get his attention.

“I’m sorry, Sheila,” Greg returned to the moment and tried to do his job. “Do you need anything.”

“I just need you to stop kicking yourself. There is nothing you can do, honey. Just start to make things right tomorrow, okay.”

“What if she likes him,” Greg finally spoke of the inevitable, for once showing weakness. “What am I going to do then.”

“Greg, cut it out, you are worrying me,” Sheila gave him good advice. “Just tell her how you feel, trust me, she won’t be able to resist. I see how she looks at you.”

“You think so,” Greg was still unsure of himself. “She has never said anything.”

“Of course she hasn’t. She has been waiting for you to say something all along.”

“I hope so,” Greg replied as he watched Jack arrive through the doors on the other side of the room to inspect the event. “What time do you think the party will get done tonight.”

“Probably around midnight, are you planning a late night rendezvous,” Sheila went back to teasing him.

“No,” he didn’t have any idea of what he was planning as his mind again drifted. “Just curious.”

Greg thoughts turned to Jack and Amanda back at the house getting Delaney ready for the prom as he watched Jack shake hands with the event host. How beautiful she must look in her dress, how happy she must be. I should have been there, it was painful to think of Mitch coming by to pick her up instead of him.

Mitch Caldwell. Every time that name ran through his head, Greg could feel himself getting angry. He had better be a gentleman, Greg felt nothing but jealousy as he pictured him with her. I hope they have a lousy time, he decided as he thought about what was best for him.

No, I hope she has a good time, Greg finally gave up and thought about what was best for her.

* * *

Is it over yet, Delaney thought to herself as she took a sip of wine and stood in the corner of Mitch’s expansive living room.

At least the night started out okay, she remembered dinner at the club. Yes, that was nice. Delaney didn’t eat much, worried about messing up her lipstick and how her figure looked in a strapless gown, but it was fun talking to some of her teachers and dancing with her friends. Why couldn’t they have just stayed there all night.

Instead, they had left at eleven to go to Mitch’s house for what was supposed to be a small party. I guess you could call it small if you considered all the seniors on the football team and their dates an intimate gathering. Would it be impolite to leave at midnight, Delaney looked at her watch and decided it was time to go.

I better find Mitch first, she didn’t know where her date had gotten to as she scanned the room and tried to look past the gathering of football players shotgunning beers and doing shots. This is just not my thing, Delaney decided as she began the search for a bathroom,

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