Daimon (Guardians of Hades #6) - Felicity Heaton Page 0,45

darkening his eyes, deeper than anything she had seen in them before.

“Cass,” he said, her name like ambrosia as it rolled off his tongue, flooding her with strength and heat. “Muster the best protective spell you can manage… because one of the wards just went down.”

Ice cascaded down her spine.

She began an incantation in her mind, one that would drain her, but might be their best shot at keeping everyone safe, and followed Daimon as he opened the front door and stepped out onto the porch, Cal trailing behind him.

Cass built the spell, weaving together several different ones, a slave to her need to protect not only the women sheltering behind her.

She wanted to protect the god striding ahead of her too, his shoulders back and head tipped up, ice glittering on his black gloves as he curled his fingers into fists.

Cass closed her eyes, centred herself and raised her hands as she uttered the words to cast the spell, the strongest barrier she had ever created. She felt it as it launched into the air, as it hit a point forty feet above her and swept downwards in all directions to form a dome over the house and the grounds, expelling anyone she viewed as a threat, knocking them backwards.

Her legs turned to jelly beneath her, but she kept her focus on the barrier, poured more strength into it until she was on the verge of collapse.

The daemons battered it, pressing against it and slashing at the invisible wall, rolling up on it in waves.

She opened her eyes and pressed her hands forwards, weathering the blows and shoring up the barrier where it began to weaken. Another wave came at it. Followed by another.

Each of them a coordinated attack.

As if they were testing it.

Testing her.

That feeling only grew when violet-black smoke billowed above the white rendered wall of the mansion grounds, as dark as the ribbed tiles that topped it, and the daemons suddenly disappeared.

Two female voices trailed into nothing.

“She is stronger than the others.”

“She will give us what we need.”

A shiver tripped down Cass’s back and arms, spreading over her thighs as words whispered in the wind.

“She will be pleased to hear that.”

Chapter 12

Marinda helped Cass into the house, bearing her weight as the witch fumbled each step, her eyes fixed on the ground in a distant stare.

Daimon trailed after her, obeying the deep need to be close to her, still shaken by the fact she had collapsed and what he had heard.

She was too pale as Marinda helped her down onto one of the couches, close to Megan.

Ares appeared, the haste of his teleport and how swiftly he turned disturbing the black ribbons of smoke that tried to cling to him. His fiery gaze scanned the room and the moment he spotted Megan, he was moving, closing the distance between them and sinking to his knees beside her.

“You okay, sweetheart?” He stroked her cheek as he gazed up at her, his hand trembling, worry written across every line of his face.

She nodded. “Cass kept us safe.”

Ares looked at her, gratitude shining in his eyes before he even said, “Thank you.”

Cass managed a nod and then went back to struggling for air. Daimon stood near the door of the house as the rest of his brothers appeared, staring at her and unsure what to do, torn between going to her and remaining where he was. He wasn’t sure she would appreciate him coddling her in the way Ares fussed over Megan. She was strong, and had reacted badly when he had questioned that strength before.

Voices filled the tense silence as Cal filled Marek, Valen and Keras, and Caterina and Eva in on what had happened.

Daimon was glad his brothers had all brought their women to the mansion. He had the feeling it was better they remained here, where they had a better shot at protecting them all. In fact, he was going to propose that everyone move back into the mansion, something that probably wouldn’t go down well with some of his brothers.

Cass finally lifted her head and her weary eyes settled on him.

He lifted his hand, stopped himself and lowered it again. Whatever look was on his face, whatever feelings she was reading in him, ones he couldn’t hold back right now or cover up, it drew a shaky smile from her.

He stared into her eyes, the foolish part of him hoping that she could see that he would do all in his power to protect her,

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