Daimon (Guardians of Hades #6) - Felicity Heaton Page 0,44

he had felt before.

He wanted her.

He could touch her.

Yet he still couldn’t have her.

The ground shook and the air trembled.

Daimon’s senses lit up.


Chapter 11

Cass had barely had a chance to set her bag down in her quarters when the ground shook and the air trembled, and then went eerily still.

Voices broke the dreadful silence, Daimon and Cal.

Had something happened?

Her eyes widened as she sensed it.

Power. Familiar power.

The Erinyes.

She rushed from her room, bare feet loud on the wooden slats of the covered walkway, and didn’t stop until she had reached the main room of the house.

“What was that?” She did her best not to sound as out of breath as she was, the combination of running and adrenaline enough to have her panting for air.

Daimon didn’t take his eyes off the front door of the mansion. “They can’t breach the wards. They’ll keep bouncing them back.”

“I’ll believe that when I see it.” She stretched her arms out for balance as another miniature earthquake hit and was gone in a flash.

She hurried to Aiko and Marinda. Megan got up from the couch, her hands lowering to cover her baby bump, rubbing it through her loose mulberry jumper. Her chocolate eyes sparkled with worry as she looked at Cass, her brow furrowed. Cass presumed Ares had dropped her off for some time with the girls, something he often did.

As gruff as the god of fire could be, Cass shared Megan’s wish that he was here.

Three gods protecting the mansion seemed better than two.

“Someone care to send a message?” she said and Cal gave her a black look. She shrugged it off. “I’m not saying you two strapping gods can’t handle this alone, but I would rather have six strapping gods standing between us and whatever is on the other side of this barrier. You have a pregnant woman here.”

Daimon looked back at her, a scowl darkening his features, darkness reigning in his eyes.

Darkness that had nothing to do with the fact she had questioned their strength and prowess, or the mention of Megan.

It looked a lot like jealousy.

Because she would rather have six gods fighting at her side?

Her eyes widened slightly, enough that he noticed and turned away from her.

Because she had referred to his brothers as strapping.

It was all right for her to call him strapping, but gods forbid she speak well of his brothers.

Cass checked on the ladies when another tremor rocked the building and the power she could sense in the air grew stronger. Aiko frantically petted Mister Milos, who was still purring happily, as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Mari had closed ranks with Megan, her eyes verging on violet as she stared ahead of her at the door. Megan was rubbing her belly with one hand, worry scored on her face, and in her other was a mobile phone.

Her thumb shook as she tapped the on-screen keyboard.

A relieved breath escaped her as she sent the message.

“It’ll be fine,” Cal said, far too much confidence in his tone. He wasn’t sure either. “They’re just trying to frighten us.”

“Might I remind everyone that frightening a pregnant woman is a bad thing?” Cass checked on Megan again.

She was breathing faster now, holding her stomach.

When she noticed Cass looking at her, she forced a wobbly smile. “I’m peachy.”

She wasn’t. She was as far from peachy as she could get. She was petrified.

Something big hit the barrier and everyone fought for balance, Mari clutching Megan and keeping her upright. Cass refused to be rattled by it.

She gathered her strength.

Just in case.

These daemons and goddesses didn’t frighten her.

Daimon muttered a black curse, drawing her gaze to him. She knew the look on his face, could read it like a book as he glanced at Cal. Things didn’t look good.

“Stay inside.” He turned to her and the other women as he motioned for Cal to move forwards.

Cass snorted at that.

“Stay inside? I don’t think so. I’m not some cowering, weak female.” She looked over at Mari. “Stay inside with the others.”

Mari levelled a glare on her. “I don’t think so. I’m not some cowering—”

“Someone has to protect the others.” Cass cut her off, because she didn’t have time for this.

The sensation of power in the air was growing stronger.

Or the barrier around the building was growing weaker.

Which didn’t bear thinking about.

Daimon stopped at the door and looked over his shoulder, his expression warning her that he was going to argue against her.

His gaze caught on Megan and he paled, phenomenal pain

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