Cut and Run (Lucy Kincaid #16) - Allison Brennan Page 0,134

call you, but my phone is all busted. How did you know I was here?”

“Sean had a tracker on your phone.”

“I forgot I let him put it on.”

“He’s a smart guy.”

“I want to go. Please.”

“Stay here while I tell the doctor I’m perfectly capable of keeping my eye on you. And I need to track down whoever is investigating the hit-and-run.”

“Ten minutes.”

“Give me a little more time.”

“Eleven minutes.”

He kissed her again. “Hold that thought.”

* * *

When Ryan heard from the sheriff’s department that they caught the guy who had rammed Max off the road, thanks to three Good Samaritans who gave chase, he wanted to join Lucy for the interview. Lucy convinced him that the best thing for him to do was take Max to her hotel and find out exactly what she’d learned that put her on their radar.

Lucy and Nate went to the Kerr County jail, where Cesar Ynez was in holding. She talked to Jennifer Reed, who had just landed at the airport. They compared notes, and Reed was extremely happy. She was going to talk to the ADA and then the FBI and figure out how they wanted to pursue Harrison and Faith Monroe.

“He asked for a lawyer,” the guard said.

“Fine,” Lucy said. “I can still talk to him. Does he have a record?”

“Surprisingly, no. But I don’t know why. He has a prison gang tat on his arm, but there’s no record of him being in prison or arrested for anything in the state of Texas. We ran him through the federal database and came up dry as well.”

“Someone must have purged him.”

“Just watch yourself. One of the Good Samaritans had his jaw broken before another subdued him with a Taser. He’s damn lucky no one had a gun, he would have a dozen holes in him after they witnessed what he did to that woman.”

“You have a witness statement?”

“Multiple,” the deputy said. “Several people saw him intentionally ram her off the road. Her car flipped twice, she’s lucky to be alive. Then he floored it. He didn’t come willingly, but they got him.”

Lucy and Nate went inside the interview room and looked at Cesar Ynez. Immediately she saw that this was the man who threatened Stanley Grant. He was large, Hispanic, and had a serious burn scar on his right hand.

That meant he was also the man who tailed Max and Sean from Harrison Monroe’s office.

Nate took the lead. “We have you on felony hit-and-run. We know you are employed by HFM, an LLC operated by Harrison and Faith Monroe. You talk, you may get out of this with minimal time.”

He stared at them.

“Remaining silent isn’t going to help you,” Nate said. “We are going to take down your employers, sooner rather than later, so you should understand that cooperation is at a premium. We already have multiple people cooperating, so if you don’t step up you’re going to lose the opportunity to make a deal.”

Again, Ynez refused to speak.

Nate sat across from him talking about his options, then the guard stepped in. “Agents, the sheriff is here to talk to you.”

Nate stared at Ynez for a good minute, then he walked out with Lucy.

“He’s been inside,” Nate said. “Why’s there no record of it?”

“Because,” the sheriff said, stepping into the hall, “he’s Carl’s cousin. I know Cesar, and dammit, he’s going to tell me where Carl is.”

The sheriff stepped into the interview room followed by Nate. Lucy decided to watch from the observation room, along with another deputy who had accompanied the sheriff.

“Hank’s pissed off,” the deputy said.

“How’s Detective Douglas?” she asked.

“Conscious. Hank and I just came from the hospital. He’s going to make it, in fact already hates being laid up.” He glanced at Lucy, looked her up and down. “Hank’ll tell you, but Garrett is mad at himself, and mad at Carl, but said you got him thinking. Three years ago Garrett’s wife left him, he didn’t see it coming, and it threw him. His daughter had just left for college the day before his wife walked out, and he told Hank that he let Carl run with the case. Garrett’s a good cop, but he was going through a bad time.”

“I don’t hold grudges,” Lucy said, “and I’m really happy that he made it through surgery.”

They listened to the sheriff tell Cesar that Carl was wanted for attempted murder and suspected of a multiple homicide. If Cesar knew what’s good for him, he’d tell the sheriff where Carl was hiding.

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